9 || Do you know I care?

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-Hyorin's POV-

Both of you still inside your apartment and that guy might be out there waiting for Hongbin; he hasn't been able to keep himself calm, he was unsteady, just walking around your place nervous and concerned. You know he doesn't want you to get too involved with him and with the things he's into, but it's now too late after he saved you from the shooting you vowed to help him. There's no going back now.

-Hongbin – You called out his name as you were walking out of your room. He didn't answer but you could see him just looking discretely towards the window, of course, he was making sure that the guy stills there.

You got towards him and patted his arm to capture his attention. –Hongbin – You said while looking at him.

-He stills there, we have to go – Hongbin said while getting away from the window; he looked at you concerned, both of you were looking into each other's eyes but then Hongbin walked towards your room.

-Hongbin – You called out his name while following him. –We are safe in here, don't worry – You said while looking at him.

-*Sigh* you are with me, right? – He asked while placing his hands on your shoulders.

-I am – You nodded.

-So you have to know that if they still out there, we aren't safe at all – Hongbin said seriously while looking directly into your eyes. You stared at him and just like that you started to caress the side of his hair, he looked at you confused at first but then he started to surround your waist with his arms.

-We'll be alright – You whispered near his ear while leaning closer to his lips; you could feel him breathing a bit fast so you tried to calm him down by looking at him and caressing his soft skin with your fingers, little by little both of you started to get closer to each other until both of your lips met. Hongbin started to kiss you delicately while holding your cheek against his hand, then he started to be tougher and the kiss was getting deeper and deeper. While kissing one another, both of you fell down on top of the mattress; he was still kissing you the same way while you were caressing his soft brunette hair, the air was lacking here and there, and your heavy breathing was all over the room.

-Now more than ever I want you out of this – Hongbin said while getting apart from you.

He's reloading his hands on the bed, each hand next to your head. Hongbin was looking concerned and the light in his eyes was different, you don't know how or when but you started to love him. He might be someone you don't know at all but you fell in love with the little things that you do know about him; his noble spirit, his sincerity, and the way he cares about his loved ones are some of the reasons why you love him the way you do. And there are more reasons why you want to help him and be by his side.

-I won't let you do this on your own – You said while looking at his eyes.

-Hyorin, you don't have to – Hongbin said worriedly.

-It's okay, I won't let you be all alone in this – You said while caressing his cheek. He leaned his forehead against yours, he closed his eyes while listening to you breathing slowly. He was trying to calm down.

He got apart from you and got towards the window again, his sudden expression made you realize that something was wrong and out of place.

-He isn't there but his car stills parked – Hongbin said concerned while looking through the window when suddenly you heard loud knocks coming from the corridor; he was there, knocking from door to door trying to find Hongbin.

-There's an emergency ladder outside of the balcony from the guests' room – You said while standing up from the bed, you immediately grabbed two backpacks from the closet beside your bed. Without thinking it twice you started to prepare the backpacks with all the supplies you need; water, passport, wallet, your jacket. Everything that you could need.

-Are you nuts? You are not coming with me – Hongbin said while looking at you concerned.

-I'm not leaving you alone in this – You replied as you kept putting the things inside the backpacks, your journal included. Hongbin got towards you and placed the things you had on your hands on top of the bed, he was worried and he definitely wants you to stay here.

-You have a life, you have a career – He said. –You don't need to sacrifice that because of me – Hongbin added while holding your shoulder.

-Believe it or not, you have a life too – You assured. –Your debut is waiting for you, the members, your brother and the people out there supporting you – You said while looking at him.

-So you'll run away with me because you care about me? – Hongbin asked before laughing a bit; a laugh from frustration and concerned might be since he doesn't want you to get involved at all.

-Because I love you, Hongbin – You admitted.

The knocks started to become louder and closer to your apartment so you immediately gave Hongbin the black backpack, then you placed yours on your back.

-We have to go – Hongbin said while putting the backpack on, then he grabbed the gun and hid it against his waist.

-Don't use that – You said seriously.

-Well, I hope I don't have to use it – Hongbin said with a settle smile. –Let's go – He said before giving you a gentle kiss on your lips.


As planned, both of you climbed the emergency ladder which leads towards the rooftop and then from there you went downstairs through the door that was there at the top. Right after that both of you went towards your car which was parked below the ground, and just like that you two left towards Hongbin's place.

Currently, you are putting the important things inside his backpack while he's talking through the phone with Hakyeon. They already know everything, you talked with them a while ago when you barely arrived at Hongbin's place; none of them was happy but who can blame them, and the one that was more concerned was Ravi. He couldn't get out of his mind the idea of you with Hongbin, not in a romantic way but in the way you are trying to help him. There's something he can't understand and it's not only him, the rest of the guys agree with him but for once you want to make something right for the people you care about. For once you want to be there for somebody.

-You are too good at this, don't you think? – You heard Hongbin saying behind your back.

-Hmm, I am – You smiled. –So what happened? – You asked.

-Well, Hakyeon-hyung told me that the company doesn't know about what's happening with me and also, I think you should know that for the rest of the year I'm free from the debut plans – Hongbin explained.

-The rest of the year? Sounds like a lie – You asked confused while closing his backpack.

-Because it is – He chuckled. –This needs to be over before May – He said.

-Let's make that happen then – You said while surrounding his neck with your arms.

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