61. I Love You

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I felt Michael squeeze me tighter as he whispered, "I love you too," into my ear.  I looked up and him and saw the biggest smile on his face as well as a small tear sliding down his cheek.  I looked at everyone else and they also had smiles except for Calum.  Calum quickly excused himself and left the hotel room. Luke told us that he was going to go and talk to him and that he would be back.  

"JESS!!!!!! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!!!!"  Ashton yelled as he came and picked me up, twirling me around the room as Michael just laughed at the both of us.  I hugged Ashton as he set me back down and we both couldn't stop the giggles that were coming out.  

'Yeah, I'm glad too.  It was very strange not knowing anything about you guys.  I'm just glad Bren and Sam helped me remember you guys."  I said as I buried my face in his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.  I let go of him and went back to sit next to Mikey.  I curled into his chest and then Calum and Luke came back into the room.  

Calum came over to me and Mikey and said, "Jess can I talk to you please?  It will only be for a second."  I said sure, Mikey was a little hesitant but then let me get up.  We went into the bedroom part and took a seat on the bed across from each other.  "So, you probably remember everything, and I just wanted to say I'm sorry again.  I kind of had some hope for us again.  I never really stopped loving you...."

I just sat there shocked at his words.  I knew he had loved me but I thought for sure that he had moved on.  "Um, I'm sorry Cal, but I love Mikey.  I'm really sorry."  I said as I stood up and went back in with Mikey, Ash, and Luke.  Mikey opened his arms to me and I just curled up into him.  Calum came out with a blank expression on his face and said a quick goodnight before going to his room.  

"It's ok Jess."  Mikey said as he gave me a quick kiss.  He picked me up as I was starting to fall asleep and carried me to our room.  When we got there, he layed me on the bed and pulled the covers over me.  He grabbed a shirt and boxers and went into the bathroom to get changed.  He came back out and got into the bed and wrapped his arms around me as we both drifted off into a deep sleep.  


"Morning Princess."  Michael's groggy voice said as I slowly stretched out and sat up on the bed.  He had changed into black jeans and an Iron Maiden shirt along with black boots.  He threw me one of his Blink shirts and my favorite pair of black jeans and my black converse.  I saw that he was packing up our bags and asked him where we were going.  

"Oh, we're actually going to Boston today.  We had to cancel a show in Toronto so we are going straight to Boston."  I nodded as he handed me a cup of hot chocolate, my favorite.  I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower and then change.  I threw my hair in a ponytail and walked out to see Michael snoring on the bed.  I quietly made my way out of the room and knocked on Ashton's door.  He opened it and smiled as he saw me.

"Hey Ash, wanna help me wake up Michael?"  I asked him as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to mine and Mikey's room.  We tiptoed into the bedroom where he was still sleeping.  "Ok, once I wake him up, just start freaking out ok?"  Ashton nodded and a smirk appeared on his face.  

I went over to Michael and slowly kissed him and he kissed me back as he woke up.  "OMG MY EYES IM SCARRED FOREVER OMG!!!!" Ashton started screaming as he covered his eyes and ran around the room screaming.  I just laughed at him as Michael jumped up and looked at Ashton in horror.  Ashton and I both collapsed on the floor laughing as Michael just kept telling us that it wasn't funny at all.  

"I love you Mikey, but you are such a scaredy kitten."  I said as I gave him a quick peck before grabbing my bags and walking out with Ashton.

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