71. Playing a Concert

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***** Don’t read this first part if you like Acacia skip to the second paragraph *****

My feed on Instagram just started going crazy with girls either agreeing with me or hating on me.  The girl was supposedly someone named Acacia?  Yeah, don’t know who that is and I don’t care to find out.  I turned on Calum’s gaming station and saw that he had FIFA.  I plugged in another controller and called Cole over to come and play with me.

“You know, I’ve heard many things about how good you are at FIFA, but I think I am the ultimate champion here.”  Cole said and looked at me with a smirk.  I blew him off and just went back to looking at the small screen.  I don’t think Cole even knew what hit him.  Of course, I beat him, by a lot I might add.  He wasn’t quite as good as he had told me he was.  “Damn! How the fuck did you do that!?!”  He yelled and looked at me in awe.  

“I’m just that good, I mean, I beat all the guys too so don’t feel that bad.”  I said and kissed him and patted his shoulder.  I stood up and stretched and decided that I wanted to go and watch the concert again.  Cole followed closely behind me as I stood right beside the stage, but still hidden from the fans by the curtain.  Calum was closest to us and I saw him look over at us.  He waved and gestured for me to come on stage.  I shook my head no and stayed where I was.  

That’s when Calum walked up to the microphone after the song was over and he gave me a heart attack.  “Alright everyone, as you know, Jess is Ashton’s sister.  As you probably don’t know, she can play almost every instrument and I’m being serious here, she’s got some mad skills.  So I was thinking, how about she play some bass?”  Calum said and the crowd started going crazy.  Luke and Ashton were yelling at me to get on the stage while Calum just held out his bass to me.  

Cole gave me a little shove and as soon as I knew it I was on the stage in front of thousands of people standing in the crowd.  Cole had put his bass strap on my shoulder and it was now hanging around me.  Calum told me the last song was She Looks So Perfect, the song that I knew the best.  I looked down in the front row to see Brenna and Sam going absolutely crazy while the sluts looked at me in both awe and disgust.  The song started and I went and stood next to Ashton and I had to say, I was rocking the bass.  Ashton seemed impressed and I was the happiest person ever at that moment.  

After the song was over, I gave Calum back his bass and ran off the stage before the guys would make me play another instrument in front of all of those people.  Cole picked me up and spun me around backstage.  Sam and Brenna came running towards me out of nowhere and we all started jumping and celebrating while Cole just laughed at us.  I calmed down a little bit and realized what I had just done.  I had performed in front of thousands of people with my brother and two of my best friends.  I couldn’t really say anything about Michael because I’m still beyond than pissed off at him.  

"That was amazing."  I said and everyone else just nodded.  Cole wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.  I really do like this hockey player.      

******* HEY SORRY ITS SHORT but comment and vote please :) ***********

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