70. Done with Sluts

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"Yeah, it is pretty wild how many people can fit in here."  Cole said and kept looking around at all the seats.  I giggled a little bit and grabbed his hand and walked him down the stage to the front row of seats.  We sat down where it said reserved and waited for the girls to come flooding in.  A few minutes later, exactly that happened.  Girls came flooding in from all the entrances and started taking their seats.  That's when I saw them.  A big group of what looked to be 17 years old who were the exact opposites of me.  They were slutty, I'm talking street walker slutty.  What's with girls and having foundation that's a different color from their face?  Cole seemed to notice too because I saw a disgusted look on his face.  

I saw them coming towards up.  Oh great, just what I needed.  Cole just grabbed my hand and smiled at me because he could tell that I was pissed off.  It turns out that they all had the seats on either side of Cole and I.  Brenna and Sam were right behind us and I looked back to see Sam flipping them off and Brenna giving them a look.  One of the fakes plopped down next to me and gave me a look of digust before saying something to one of her friends.  "Um, excuse me, Miss Bitch is it?  If you have something to say, you can say it to my face."  I said to her and her head whipped back around to me.  

"Sorry, I was just surprised that they let pigs in here that's all."  She said with fake smile and then flipped me off.  I knew that Cole saw because he was about to jump up out of his seat and attack but I kept him sitting.  

'Well, I thought they take out the trash, but I guess that we're both wrong.  And you know what, I can tell your a fake fan because, hi, I'm Ashton's sister.  Yeah, wasn't expecting that were you?"  I said before I stood up and waved goodbye to her before I pulled Cole backstage with me.  The security guard let me pass and I made sure to tell him not to let those girls backstage at the end of the show.  I told him to ask any girls to show their fan accounts or ask them questions that only real fans would know.  He agreed and told me he would get me the account names too so I could follow them.  

Cole just watched me the whole time and looked at me in shock.  "Damn my girlfriend is a badass."  He said as we went back to the dressing room.  I was hungry and the boys always had food in there at all times.  Thankfully this time they had cookies and pizza and all of my favorite foods.  I smiled at Cole and we both dug into the food.  I sat down at Calum's video game desk and pulled out my phone while Cole sat down across from me on one of the couches.  I saw that everyone was tagging me in a picture on Instagram and went to look at it.  Of course, it was from the stupid slut that I had burned earlier.

The picture was of her and one of her slutty friends flipping off the camera and the caption was "Ashton's sister is an asshole calling me trash!"  I thought it was really funny though because almost everyone that had a 5sos account or just followed me was actually agreeing with me.  I mean, she is, so why deny it?  To be honest I am so done with sluts it's ridiculous.  Most of the fans I've met actually aren't sluts and are pretty awesome, but none of them dress or act the way that those girls did.  That's what I aboslutely love about the fam.  They're pretty fucking amazing.  I just kept smiling as I read all of the comments on her picture.  I decided to post a picture so I posted one that a fan had sent me.  It was me next to her and it said "Who is the real one here?  It's pretty obvious to me."  

I love the 5sos fam.

*********** Hey i have like a three day weekend so YAY UPDATES **************

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