72. An Idea

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So, yeah.  The concert was the best thing that had ever happened to me ever.  The group of Cole, Sam, Brenna and I all went back to the dressing room and calmed down.  We might have eaten all the guys' food..... Oops.  I mean, it was good food and it was just sitting there.  Sam came up to me and asked me if we could talk.  I told Cole that I would be back and we both walked to a part of backstage where no one was standing.  I could tell that Sam was nervous because she crossed her arms.  "Sam, spill it."  I said to her and waited for her to answer me.

"I kind of think they you should forgive Mikey..."  She said and didn't look at me at all when she said it.  I just stood there in shock because I couldn't believe that she had just said that.  

I tried to keep my cool but it was kind of hard because Sam knew how pissed I still was at him.  "Sam, why the hell would I forgive him?  Give me a good reason."  I was trying to keep my cool because Sam is my best friend.  She does know that us Irwins have very bad tempers though.  I could tell she was getting uncomfortable.  Michael probably put her up to this.  

"He's just been very upset lately and with you and Cole and everything.."  She trails off.  Yup, it definitely was Michael that put her up to this.  She was just as pissed off as I was when it happened.  I knew that Michael was pissed off that I had taken a liking to Cole, but never knew that it was this big of a problem.  But it's not my problem, it's his.  

"Alright let me get this straight.  He is jealous of Cole and I?  I have a suggestion for him, why doesn't he just go back with that stupid slut from the club.  Ok?  I have nothing to else to say about that scumbag."  I was done with the conversation so I started walking away.  Then, I had a brilliant idea.  I walked up to the wing of back stage next to where Mikey stands on stage.  I had a clear view of him and I put a fake smile on my face.  He glanced down at me and I waved him over.  He put out a hand and he helped pull me up on stage once again.  I walked over to Ashton and asked him if I could go through with my idea after giving a brief explanation of my conversation with Sam.  

I saw Ashton become a little bit angry and he nodded at me as a yes.  I ran to Cal and Luke and told them the plan and Luke backed away from the mic so that I could stand there.  Michael seemed confused and tried to ask me what was happening but Luke kept him back.  I nodded to Ashton and he counted it off.  

I started singing I Miss You by Blink 182 but I changed up the words a tiny bit.  Luke started off by singing the first part and then I came in.  "Where are you, and I'm Not sorry, I can sleep I can dream tonight....... I don't miss you, don't miss you..."  The whole time I either had my gaze on the crowd or on Michael's face as I sang.  I was guessing that a lot of the fam in the crowd knew why I was singing it so they all started cheering and going crazy.  Except for the sluts in the front row of course.  I mean, don't they all support each other.  I gave Michael a little wave and pouty face before I bowed and thanked the other guys and then I left the stage once again.  

I heard Luke and Calum talking about how I should start my own band or something.  Yeah, that would not happen.  I'm good with chilling my brother and my best friends and boyfriend.  


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