65. Cole

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"I never thought that Hot Topic could get better..... BUT IT DID!"  I said as we all walked out with our arms full of bags.  I personally had gotten a few pairs of jeans, a few shirts, and of course my amazing All Time Low hoodie.  Brenna and Sam had gotten a lot too.  The guys didn't get as much, but they bought mostly beanies and jeans.  It was kind of weird because in the store, I had to have at least one of them with me at all times.  I saw Ashton looking around to find me a few times when he wasn't the one with me.  Needless to say, he was a bit protective of me now that Mikey is not on good terms with me.

 We got back to the hotel and I put all of my new clothes in my suitcase but kept my ATL hoodie out and put it on.  I went into Ash's room and sat down next to Sam who was just scrolling through Tumblr.  I grabbed her laptop and logged onto my Instagram.  I had gained a lot of follwers since people found out that I was Ashton's sister.  I just posted pictures from concerts and I reposted a bunch of pictures from fans.  I posted a new picture of Ashton and I that Sam had taken at HT.  

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Cole, the hockey player from the team back in Sydney.  

Cole :D (Aka. The Best Hockey Player Ever) :  Hey J, you're in Boston right?

Me:  Yeah, what's up Cole?

Cole:  I'm in Boston too! I'm visiting family.  Want to meet up and get dinner or something?

Me:  Yeah sure.  I'll text you the hotel address.  Pick me up at 8?

Cole: Yeah, see you then :)

I told Sam that I was meeting with Cole.  Her eyes widened at what I said and I kept asking her what was wrong.  She just shook her head and took her laptop back from me.  She pulled out her phone and I saw that she had texted someone but she hid it from me.  "Well, I'm going to go and get ready so..."  I said as I stood up and went back to my room.  Cole texted me again and said that we were just going to go and get pizza so I wouldn't have to get all dressed up or anything.  I was so thankful because I was looking forward to showing him my new hoodie.  He liked All Time Low as much as I did and I can't say that about many people.  

I threw on a new pair of ripped black skinny jeans, my old Green Day shirt, and then my ATL hoodie.  I grabbed my black converse and a hair tie to put my hair into a ponytail.  I put on a small amount of mascara and went back into Sam and Ash's room.  Ashton was laying on the bed but sat up as soon as I walked in.  "Where are you going?"  He asked me.

"Um I'm going out with Cole, you know the hockey player from Sydney.  He's in town and wanted to take me out for pizza.  Take a chill pill bro."  I said as I sat next to him and focused my eyes on the television.  

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"  He asked me.  I swear he acts like my dad.

"Well, he just asked me like an hour ago, and I was getting ready.  I told you now so chill out."  I tried to ignore his stare and his crossed arms.  I could tell that he wasn't very happy with me.  

"He better not try anything or so help me God, Jessie."  Ashton said to me.  I calmed him down by telling him we were just going out for pizza and we wouldn't be out for very long.  He finally agreed to let me go out, but he would come looking for us if I wasn't back by 12.  Cole called me and I met him in the lobby.  Damn, he was a lot cuter than last time.  Oops, shouldn't be saying that.  Eh, whatever.  

"Hey Jess!"  Cole said as he came up to me and wrapped me in a big hug.  I hugged him back and he quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek before letting go.  I could feel my cheeks turning red so I grabbed his hand in mine and we walked out of the building and down the street.  

"So what's going on back in Sydney?"  I asked him.  The pizza shop was about a twenty minute walk so we had a lot of time to catch up on everything.  

He started off and then he started talking really quickly, "Well a lot actually.  Our hockey team won the championship which was pretty awesome, I got the winning goal, just saying.  I'm going to college in a few months, I realized that I really like you.  I'm going to be on the college hockey team.  My sister actually got married.  And yeah."  

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.  What did you just say?"  I paused him and stopped walking.  He turned towards me and his cheeks turned red like mine did earlier.  

"Um was it that I'm going to college in a few months?"  I shook my head no and crossed my arms.  "That my sister got married?"  

"Before that."  His face went blank and I knew that he knew he was caught.  

"Um, the one where I realized that I really like you?"  

"Bingo, that's the one."  I said and he just looked at the ground.  He was a lot taller than me so I rested my chin on his chest and looked up at him.  His chocolate brown eyes met mine and a smile grew on his face.  "You know, I like you too."  I said as kissed his cheek.  He gave me a tight hug and had the biggest smile on his face.  He was so adorable.  

"I was kind of hoping that you would say that."  He said.  He cupped my cheek with his hand and slowly pressed his lips to mine.  I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck.  His hands rested on my waist as he rested his forehead on mine.  "I really liked that."  

"I did too."  I said as I gave him one more peck and then grabbed his hand so we could go to the pizza shop.  The rest of the way we talked about all of our favorite bands, including All Time Low especially.  I really do like Cole.  I mean, Mikey was still in my mind though.  I just can't stop thinking about him.

******** UPDATE WOOHOO I might update again it depends :D  vote and comment pretty please *********

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