79. ATL

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I woke up the next morning with a stinging on my wrist and halway up my arm.  Damn cuts why do they have to sting afterward.  I jumped down out of my bunk and sat down on the big couch at the front of the bus.  I pulled out my phone because I was too lazy to turn on the TV.  I just scrolled through Instagram and Twitter until I heard someone wake up and get out of their bunk.  I looked to see a zombie Calum walking over towards me and he practically collapsed down next to me.  I had changed into a long sleeve shirt and a big sweatshirt so you couldn't see the bandages.  

"Hi.  I'm very tired."  Cal mumbled into my shoulder.  I rubbed his back and tried to wake him up a little bit.  If Cal was tired he would stay tired unless someone woke him up in the morning.  I decided that I would make breakfast so I got up and made some eggs and Nutella toast for the both of us.  I handed him his plate and he basically snapped awake as he ate the toast and eggs within a minute.

'Hungry much Cal?"  I asked him as I finished my first piece of toast and started working on my second piece and my eggs. He nodded and went and put his plate in the sink.  He walked back over and sat down next to me again.  I could tell he wanted to talk to me but he was too scared.  He would open his mouth but end up closing it and turned on the TV.  A random show came on and we both kept quiet as I finished my breakfast and got up, put my dish in the sink and then told him I was going to change.  

I grabbed a pair of leggings and a long sleeve sweater out of my bag and went to the bathroom to change out of my pajamas.  I put on a pair of thick fuzzy socks and climbed into my bunk to watch YouTube on my laptop.  I had just put my headphones in when Ashton came up and started poking my arm, and I flinched back because of course, it was right where I had cut.  He quickly apologized but then told me there was a bus meeting in the living room area.  I jumped down and went to the front of the bus to see everyone already there.  

"Alright everyone, you're probably wondering why we are here.  Well, it's pretty exciting..."  Ashton droned on for a while before I hit his leg and he got to the point of the bus meeting.  "Rian from All Time Low contacted me and invited all of us to their concert in New York! And it's tonight!!!"  He practically screamed.  You could tell he was excited.  I jumped up into the air and started squeeling.  All Time Low was one of my favorite bands in the world.  

"Ashton I swear if you are lying I will hurt you!"  Luke yelled at Ashton but Ashton showed him the text message from Rian and Luke started squeeling right along with me.  Luke and I definitely are the biggest ATL fans within the group.  I realized the concert was tonight and I ran to my clothes bag to figure out what I was going to wear.

It took me a while but I finally found my perfect outfit for the concert.  My favorite black ripped skinny jeans with a Nirvana smiley shirt and my black high top converse.  I put my hair in a high ponytail and threw on all of my bracelets.  I put on a small amount of mascara like I always did and I was ready.  I was the first one ready for the concert so I waited at the front of the bus while everyone else slowly got dressed and ready.  "You people are the slowest dressers in the world oh my God."  I said once everyone else had finished and we were getting into the car that was going to take us to the concert.  

"We know you have a crush on Rian but you don't have to rush us J."  Ash said and started laughing.  Yes, I have a crush on Rian.  What?  He's beautiful.  But his girlfriend is really pretty and they are my absolute OTP.  I just smacked Ash's arm and reminded him of his many crush's he had told me about."  Don't mess with a girl who knows all of your secrets Ashton.  

We drove about an hour before we pulled up to where they were going to be playing.  A security guard met us at the entrance and told us that we were going backstage to lessen the risk of being mobbed.  Luke and I just looked at each other like we had been told we were getting a unicorn.  We are going backstage.  At an ATL concert.  This cannot be real.  I could feel my heart begin to race.  We walked past a bunch of people and crying girls to get backstage.  It looked a lot like the ones where the guys had played, but it was cooler because we're talking about All Time fucking Low.  

"Alright just stay here and when the concert starts someone will come and get you.  You are all in the front row."  The security guard said before leaving the room.  The guys immediately went for the table of food while Sam, Brenna, and I all went to the big couch in the corner of the room.  

"This is one of the best days of my life hands down."  Sam said as we all just took in what was happening.  

Of course, I was the one that had to be funny and remind her of something else, "What about when you and Ash did the frickle frackle?"  I burst out laughing as soon as I finished the sentence and I guess the guys had all heard because they started laughing, except for Ashton who's cheeks just flamed a bright red.  

Another security guard came to the room a few minutes later and told us that the concert was about to begin.  He lead us to our seats and the guard wasn't lying when he said we're front row.  We were right in front of where Alex would stand.  All of a sudden, they all walked onto the stage.  All Time Low is in front of me.  What is happening.  They started of their set with Weightless, one of my all time favorites of theirs.  God why are they so perfect.  Jack came over and stood next to Alex and he waved to all of us.  HE WAVED.  Jack Barakat now knows that I exist what is happening with my life.  We rocked out to all their songs for the rest of the concert until it was over.

"Guys did that really just happen?  Because someone pinch me."  Luke said as we got up and a security guard brought us back to the room backstage.  I gave him a little pinch and he rubbed it.  "Ok ok I'm not dreaming."  

We all collapsed on the couch because we were pretty exhausted from jumping and dancing and cheering.  Brenna and I were talking about how we needed to see them again when Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack all walked in.  Holy shit.

***** HEHE kind of a cliffhanger this is also like my longest chapter ever whoa PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE I BEG OF YOU ***** 

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