64. Shopping

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*********** Trigger Warning ************

I could tell Ashton was about to kill him.  Most people haven't seem Ashton at his worst, but now I have.  I knew he would too.  Ashton is one of the most protective people I know.  He slowly turned towards the rest of us with his fists clenching as he did.  He kept looking between us and Michael who was still standing in the doorway of the hotel room.  Brenna stood up and went over to the door, waved at Michael, and then slammed the door in his face.  "Well that was easier than I thought it would be."  Brenna said as she walked back over to Luke.  

"Damn, I should have done that Bren."  Ashton said as he calmed down.  Brenna just nodded at him and smiled while Luke kissed her on the cheek.  We heard Michael knocking again and asking to talk to me but we all just ignored him and kept talking and watching TV.  After a while though, everyone else decided to go back to their rooms and get some sleep.  Thankfully, their rooms were actually on opposite sides of mine, so they just went through the connecting doors, not wanting to see Michael.  

Once everyone was gone, I started to unpack my bags looking for the sliver of metal.  I had kept it hidden pretty well, and walked into the bathroom with it.  I had changed into sweats and a long sleeve shirt earlier so I didn't have to worry about covering them up in the morning.  I dragged it across the skin on my thighs and hips covering them with bandages after.  I knew it wasn't actually helping me in any way, but it made me feel relaxed and helped with the pain that I kept inside.  I cleaned up quickly and bandaged myself then walked out of the bathroom.  I decided that I would watch Netflix until I fell asleep so I grabbed my laptop and snuggled into my covers.  


I woke up and rolled out of my bed being careful not to crush my laptop that was next to me.  I quickly changed my bandages and then grabbed a long sleeve shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.  I changed quickly and knocked on Brenna and Luke's door.  "Hey Jess.  Come on in we were just about to go and get some breakfast."  Brenna said to me as she let me in the room.  I saw Luke's eyes pinned to the TV watching Pengu, I swear he's a five year old, and she went over to the desk starighten her hair.  I went over to the bed and sat against the headboard with Luke and grabbed the remote.

His head slowly turned to me.  "What do you think you're doing?"  Luke said in his sassiest voice.  I just laughed at him as I started looking through the channels.  I found an aired version of a Green Day concert and Luke instantly calmed down a little bit.  

"It's not like I'm going to make you watch Housewives of New York."  I laughed at him and he just stuck his tongue out at me.  Brenna told us to break it up before she would have to call Ashton and Sam on us.  A few seconds later, Calum knocked on the door and came inside sitting on the floor in front of us.  He asked us what the plans were for today and Luke said that we were going to have breakfast, then go shopping for a little while, and then get ready for the show.  Luke and Calum also discussed keeping Michael away from me at all costs.  I mean, they were all in the same band and had a show so they had to at least kind of get along for that.  

Ashton and Sam came in a few minutes later and Brenna had finished her hair so we all went down to the restaurant for breakfast.  Thankfully, Mikey wasn't there when we were.  We all ordered the biggest breakfast that was available.  What could I say, we are very hungry people.  Once we ate we all went back to the rooms to get what we needed to go shopping.  There was a big Hot Topic here and I was dying to go so I rushed everyone out the doors of the hotel and down the street to where the mall and stores were. 

"OH MY GOD!"  Ashton and I both said at the said time as we looked at the store.  It was the best that we had ever seen.  We instantly all ran to different parts of the store.  The guys went to the skinny jeans section and us girls ran to the shirts and hoodies.  I was dying for a new All Time Low hoodie.  I found the perfect one and grabbed a size bigger so that it would be comfortable.  BEST DAY EVER.

******* YAY UPDATE *******

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