The Light Finds A Way...

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??? POV

I woke up to the sound of a robotic chirping in my ear and a robotic voice.

Ghost:"Wake up Cayde!"

I groaned as I stood up and saw a gun in my belt, I picked it up and examined it twirling it to the right and left which was soon interrupted by the sound of glass breaking around the corner.

Ghost:"Well, Listen I understand you may have a lot of questions and I do as well but I will have to teach you as you go."

Cayde:"Teach me what?! What in the Ramen is going on?"

Ghost:"Just shut it and run around the corner! Take the gun and shoot the people with glasses. They're pretty much bad guys."


Ghost:"Do it now dammit!"

Without hesitation I ran around the corner and aimed through the sights of my Hand Cannon and aimed at a head of a person who looked to be a henchmen of a taller individual with a Cane and a red Fedora, as I pulled the trigger Ghost dissapeared into my head.

Ghost:"Don't worry, I'm still here. Activating HUD. Put on your helmet."

I put on my Acpholyage Symbiote Helmet and continued to fight, My aim has been also increased by the HUD system which let me to predict where the bullets will go if I will not aim. As I killed 2 of the henchmen while hipfiring I saw a Red haired girl jumping onto a building with a Scythe and a man jumping on the rooftops.
I decided to follow them by double jumping onto the rooftop.

As I chased after the man with the fedora I stopped as he jumped off the building and a ship appeared with him on it, A woman with amber eyes also stood in the ship holding onto a handle. I raised my hand in the air and a gun made purely of fire appeared in my hand and aimed at the ship as I pulled the trigger, The flame didn't burn but I could feel the warmth in my hand. A thruster on the ship broke as I fired 3 shots at it. A also heard sniper shots coming from the right of me, It was the girl in the red hood.

Thank you for reading this. I will try to add new parts in but I ain't promising that they will be released every day or week.
Anyway. See you in the next one!

Cayde-6 In Remanant (Fanfiction Destiny x RWBY) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now