A Proposition of Sorts (2/2)

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Cayde POV

I walked over to an alley way to then later pull out my ghost and start talking to it with an annoyed tone.

Cayde: "What is it now?"

Ghost:"I can't help to notice that you don't ask me questions about this whole situation, nor any advice or opinions!"

I responded with a sigh and took my helmet off glaring at the Ghost. As I started speaking the light in the back of my mouth glowed as such with my eyes.

Cayde:"I understand you are frustrated about this whole situation but I need you to remain calm and in my head, You can talk to me in the COMs but I ain't promising that I'll respond. Right now we'll have to  wing it just like our silent friend talked to his Ghost!"

The Ghost sighed a robotic sigh and looked down and back at me, It later then spoke again.

Ghost:"Fine enough, So I'll just have to spend my life in your head like I always do?"

I responded cheerfully.

Cayde:"That's the spirit! Now, how do we get to Beacon?"

Ghost:"I'm not so su-"

Ghost's sentence was then cut off by the sound of the speakers and the voice of Opinions talking through the microphone.

Speakers:"Beacon students, your airship leaves in 15 minutes. It is located at the landing bay."

Cayde:"Welp Ghost,  You got a map?"

Ghost:"Run to the East,  Then North and then make your turn at the sign. "

Cayde:"Which Sign?"

Ghost:"The Landing Bay sign,  and I suggest you run.


-----------------------------------------------------------I put on my helmet after I got on the ship from the top since I was a late, I had to Triple Jump onto the top of the ship and open a hatch, As I dropped in a couple of pupils gave me weird...

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I put on my helmet after I got on the ship from the top since I was a late, I had to Triple Jump onto the top of the ship and open a hatch, As I dropped in a couple of pupils gave me weird looks. I then wiped off some dust on my cloak and walked to the giant window to see a giant pillar which I presumed it was Beacon.

Cayde-6 In Remanant (Fanfiction Destiny x RWBY) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now