Bring a Gun to a Claw Fight

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Cayde POV
I looked into the distance, in the trees. What I only saw was now a shadow fleeting from my sight as I stood up.
Ruby stopped kept running up to me until she saw my helmet broken and a part of my exo face, The others stared at me too. Yet my face didn't have the close shocked expression that I had.




I snapped back to reality and looked over to Ruby.

Cayde:"Uh- Kid, I'm fine. Let's get outta here."


Cayde:"You can ask questions later, all of you. Now we have a Never more to deal with and a Death Claw, We should take what we need and run.


The rest of our group grabbed the cards, I picked up a Spade. There were only two of them so must have been special but it was left alone by the group. I looked over to the sky and see that the nevermore is back for more.

Cayde:"We need to start moving, into the hills."

I started running towards the hill and then saw ruins, also a nevermore standing on the cliff I looked back to see the group right behind.

Cayde:"You all are a bit faster than I expected. "

Yang:"Oh we ain't done!"

Cayde:"Keep up the spirits! Now follow me."

I sprinted onto the ruin bridge and loaded my Stillpiercer and aimed at the overgrown bird's head and pulled the trigger, to my surprise it fell off the cliff. I don't remember my gun sounding like that, I then looked over my shoulder to again see him in the trees looking over me with his rifle.

Cayde:"I still can't believe it..."

The group was right behind me,
I pointed to the cliff and spoke.

Cayde:"We got to get to the transmat zone, first we'll have to deal with the Scorpion!"

I pulled out my Ace and pointed at the bridge to then later see the Death stalker breaking the nearby trees. I fired at it but again, no affect.
Well at least until I heard that same Rifle shot and blew the head off the creature in an instance until it finally clicked, that rifle shot was that sniper rifle, Praedyth's Revenge. The group was shocked as a trail of purple came from the trees and made the Death stalker explode in just one shot.

Yang:"What was that?!"

Cayde:"Maybe an ally, used to know him. We need to catch up."

I kept running to the second bridge with the group right behind me. The same Nevermore flew from below the bridge and broke it in several pieces.
Our escape was destroyed, we couldn't do anything except kill the Nevermore and that ain't gonna get us to the transmat zone.

Well, may as well try.

Weiss:"What do we do?!"

Cayde:"Dunno, we may as well kill the Nevermore to be honest. Just to not risk our life anymore."

Ruby:"How do we escape?!"

Cayde:"Don't ask me."

I again pulled out my sniper rifle and shot three shots into the nevermore's head making a crack. I began to switch my magazine but the nevermore flew close to and tried to take me away with it's talons making me lose my magazine.


I looked into the trees again to see if he was still there, he's gone. I have no idea what to do.

Cayde:"Listen kids, we ain't getting outta here no mat-"

Ruby :"Weiss! Use your glyphs to get me something to stand on. They need to be placed on the side of the cliff!
Blake use your cable thingie to propel me to that cliff! Yang pull that cable.
Pyrha, Jaune and the others defend the bridge. There will be more Grimm on the way."

The group:"Aye!"

I haven't seen this kind of teamwork since the building of the tower.
I'm really proud.
I stood beside Ruby while everyone is getting ready.

Ruby:"Cayde, Get to your station."

Cayde:"I'm coming with you."


Cayde:"You will not take that thing on your own Rube, now get ready."


Yang started to pull the cable back as much as she could. Ruby stood in front of the cable holding onto it. I just grabbed the string.


Ruby and I:"You bet."

Yang just let the cable go and I let go as soon as the cable lost it's momentum. I raised my hand into the air when a spark of light started to form into a gun made of the power of Sol. I double jumped as soon as I got the Golden gun in my hand landing on the Nevermore and grabbed it's mask to slam it into the cliff.

Ruby ran on the side of the cliff with the glyphs supporting her and used her scythe to drag the bird's head onto the edge of the cliff and keep it there.
I back flipped off the bird's head and fired 3 shots into the Nevermore disintegrating it into flaming ash in the air.

I kept observing the Hunter Vanguard and provided backup when needed.
Ozpin started to talk to me through our COMs.

Ozpin:"Are they safe?"


Ghost:"Yes, They are."

Ozpin:"You know you can talk to me Y/n. There's no harm."


Ozpin:"Right, silent like always. Just grab the relic and get back to Beacon. Nice job."

Cayde-6 In Remanant (Fanfiction Destiny x RWBY) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now