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Cayde POV

After we defeated the Nevermore I kept looking at the sniper lenses reflecting the light, I will never forget that sound. A Bullhead ship landed on the cliff and me and Ruby boarded it.
A second one came and the rest of the gang boarded it. Ruby started to once again question about my face.

Ruby:"Now, what exactly are you? Are you a robot!? Or a human disguised!?"

Ruby started to get excited and went ballistic with the questions. I just simply sighed and responded.

Cayde:"Now red, it's not that simple.
I'll tell you when we get back."

Ruby simply pouted her cheeks and crossed her arms.

Ruby:"I just wanted to know."

Cayde:"Fine, Basically I was a human but got transferred to this robotic body. Now that's called an Exo."

Tell me more!"


I jumped out if the Bullhead and waited for Ruby to lead the way into the hall where the teams were being announced. Ozpin and Glynda were on the stage holding slips of card to read out the teams. Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake were called up to the stage.

Ozpin:"Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang you all are a team called RWBY, Your leader will be Ruby."

Ruby was shocked, nonetheless she just saluted and went off the stage.
Then Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren went onto the stage as their names were called.

Ozpin:"You all now form the team called JNPR. Jaune Arc will be the leader. Congratulations."

Jaune was absolutely shocked. He started panicking.

Jaune:"W-wait what!? There must have been a mistake!"

Ozpin merely coughed to grab Jaune's attention and gestured with his eyes to the stairs. Jaune then rubbed his neck and went off the stage as NPR followed. Ruby tapped my shoulder and whispered.

Ruby:"What team do you think you'll be in? "

Cayde:"I don't have my ho-"

Ozpin then said my name and looked at me smiling like he always does.

Cayde:"I gotta go."

I walked up onto the stage and stood there. He then called another name.


I looked behind my back and saw him, with his full armour walking onto the stage and simply nodding.
I stared at him as he walked right beside me. I was extremely shocked.
He just simply nodded, that was nearly the response to all the questions I was about ask him.

Ozpin:"You two are the first team to ever be just duos, Your time name will be ACE. I hope you two have good luck on your journey."
We both went off the stage and so the ceremony kept on going.

~TiMeSkIp brought to you by:

Child Reeves.


As everyone exited the hall (Y/n) kept sitting on one chair while touching the side of his helmet. He was probably communicating with someone. I started walking up to him and putting my hand on his shoulder.

Cayde:"I got a couple of questions."

His Ghost:"Fine enough, You can follow us to get team RWBY off our tails."

Cayde:"Huh, You really are perceptive.
I never would know that if it wasn't for you."

"Dammit he saw us!"

Said Ruby as she was standing around the corner with her team.

Yang:"Pretty sketchy..."

Weiss:"No point in following them,
Let's go back."

Blake:"I agree with Weiss."

Ruby:"Right then team! Let's move on!."

Weiss sighed as Ruby said this.

Cayde-6 In Remanant (Fanfiction Destiny x RWBY) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now