Oscorp and New Student

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Hey guys this my first fanfic Hope you enjoy most of my fanfics will mostly be spider Man I don't own anything

Tony Stark pulled up a laptop and saw something on his screen about a new company that had bought his old Tower. " Oscorp, seems neat might have to go check it out one day. But as of now I need to get ahold of Happy." Said Tony as he got on his phone.

  At Midtown
Peter just got out of chemistry with Ned and Michelle. Of course both of them were talking about a field trip to the new science building that was  coming next week. " So, losers what do you think about the field trip that is coming up," asked Mj

Peter answered," honestly I'm just hoping that this field trip will be fun unlike last year where we went to a factory about clothes." Ned nods and agrees with Peter.

Flash walks by and bumps into Peter. " What's up, Penis Parker."
" Go away, Flash. Not in the mood to deal with your bullshit."

Mj and Ned drag Peter away before he could get in trouble. " Come on, Peter. Let's go, we are going to be late for P.E."

At Oscorp

Norman and his science team have been trying to recreate the Serum that made Captain America. " Dr.Osborn we might have a break through on the Serum,” said a random doctor. " Good work! Tomorrow I'm going to test it out myself understand."

All the doctors tried to convince him not to but he said he would and he was going to.

At Midtown

Harry Osborn entered his final class of the day which was Spanish. He had just moved here and was ready to just quit high school but his dad told him to finish and so he was here trying to make his father proud.

"Hey I'm Peter, are you the new kid?"

"Yeah I am why."
" Nothing just trying be nice and make sure you find everything ok."

"Ok by the way the name is Harry. Harry Osborn." Harry got up and left not even speaking to him and left the school to head home

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