Fire meeting, Dinner with the Parkers, and Revealing secret

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Spider-Man webs back up into the flaming building.

" Hey is anyone in here!"

A scream is heard.
" Where are you?"

He walks towards a figure wearing a blanket. He reaches for the figure. "I'm going to get you out of here."he says calmly.

As he grabs the shoulder of the figure, it turns around to reveal Green Goblin as he screams and punches Spider-Man in the face, sending him flying through some of the burning walls.

" Such a disappointment. Have you thought about my generous proposal? Are you in or are you out?"

Spider-Man looks at him and says" It's you who's out Gobby, out of your mind."

" Wrong Answer!" Goblin yells throwing the boomerangs at him.

He deflects most but one was able to cut him.

Goblin and Spider-Man start fighting throwing punches at each other. But it was difficult as they also were dodging the boomerangs. Spider-Man kicks Goblin away and escapes the burning building.

Goblins sits up looks around says," no one says no to me."

At Peter's Apartment

Norman quickly arrives at the apartment building.

Inside Harry, Michelle, May, and Ned we're setting the table and getting dinner set up when there is a knock on the door.

May opens the door and says,"You must be Harry's Dad."

Norman enters and replies," Just call me Norman."

He hands her the fruit cake he bought and Harry walks up. " Dad I want you to meet Mj or Michelle Jones."

Norman looks her up and down and turns away to talk to Ned.  Peter runs inside and says," Sorry I'm late had to beat an old lady with a stick to get this can of cranberry sauce."

They laugh and greet Peter.
"So,Pete how was the Internship?"asked Ned.

Peter looks at Ned and said,"Not going to well, Mr. Stark still can't find that guy who attacked at the parade and Daily Bugle."

Norman looks at him in shock. He noticed the blood on the arm of Peter. Same spot Spider-Man got cut during their battle at the burning building.

Aunt May sees and says,"Peter are you ok? Your bleeding."

Everyone look at Peter and he says," Oh yeah, while I was walking over here a bike messenger knocked me down."

Aunt May runs and grabs the first aid kit. While she was doing this Norman looks at Peter and asks,"How did you say that happened?"

Peter looked at him and said,"Bike messenger knocked me down."

Norman stands up and walks to the door. "Thanks for inviting but I just remembered I had to be somewhere. Please enjoy the fruit cake."

Harry stands up and catches up with his dad at the elevator."Dad you said you would meet her and stay."

Norman looks at Harry and says,"You think I don't know what type of woman she is. She only wants to be with you for your money.  Harry listen to this one advice, do what you need to do with her then leave her fir someone better." Norman then enters the elevator and heads down.

Harry enters the apartment and Michelle gets up,"Thanks for defending me, asshole."she says sarcastically she heads for the door.

Harry looks at her,"You heard?"he asks.

"Everyone heard that creep."

"That creep is my father, if I'm lucky I will become half of what he is. So, keep you mouth shut about stuff you don't understand!"He yells at her as she walks out the door.

May looks at Harry and scolds him for talking to Michelle like that.

Ned and Peter look at each other and look down and start eating trying to stay out of the conversation.

At Avengers Mansion

Tony finally got the DNA of all the members of Oscorp. He has it scanning for any DNA that matches when the machine beeps on one person.

"Norman Osborn, the CEO of Oscorp. That fishy. Friday pull up everything there is to know about Norman and see if he has any link to this goblin guy."

Scanning now

As it was scanning, Tony looks up to see Pepper coming in. Pepper didn't look very happy to see Tony working still.

"Tony, you should be getting to bed soon."

Tony looks at her kisses her and says,"I would but Norman, the CEO of Oscorp, matches the DNA on the both bomb casings."

Pepper looks at Tony and says,"Ok we'll go to sleep tonight and tomorrow we will tell Peter about what you found ok?"

Tony looks back at the computer and tells Friday that send the information to his phone when he woke up in the morning.

Friday told that she would and Tony went with Pepper to bed.

At Peter's Apartment

Peter and Ned went to his room and see if they can discover who the goblin was.

"I have searched everything Peter. I have nothing on who this could be and if I did you know I would have told you already."

" Thanks, Ned." Peter sighes. "What can I do to figure out who this man is and why he wanted me to join him."

Peter and Ned decided to call it a night. They turn on Star Wars and watched it till they both fell asleep.

At Osborn Mansion

Harry looked at the picture of his father.

"Father, why do you treat me like I'm a big disappointment?"

Harry looks at the mirror and he has a flash that the Green Goblin attacked him and he fell over and ran to his room freaked out.

The mirror slides open to reveal a lab with all of the stolen equipment from Oscorp and Norman taking off the helmet of the Green Goblin suit.

He smiles sinisterly before he takes all if it if and heads up to his room where he collapses.

Inside the hidden lab it shows a kid with his parents before an explosion of black and white. Now, only the kid remains but his hair turned white and his skin black with his eyes glowing white.

Ok everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter. Yes I left an Easter egg at the very end for Mister Negative. He was done so well in the Spider-Man PS4 game that I had to include an Easter egg about him. Plus I am thinking one of my later stories will have him and some of the sinister six like in the Spider-Man game. Anyway hope you enjoyed please review the story

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