Don't tell Harry

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Michelle had just got a job at a coffee shop. It wasn't her dream job but it was something to help her now that graduation was coming up in just 6 months.

"Well this is fantastic." she says sarcastically.

Peter who had just got a job as a photographer walked past. He stopped and turned around.
" Hey Mj," he said.

Michelle turned around shocked and she waves back. " Hey losers what's up?"

"Oh nothing much just got myself a job as a photographer at the daily bugle."

"Lucky you I have been trying to get a job there but they weren't hiring me."

"I only got in as a part-time photographer because of my pictures of Spider-Man."

" Wait you got pictures of Spider-Man? No one has ever got pictures of him"

Peter looks at her and laughs.
"Well I got lucky enough to get pictures when he was stopping crime. Even then it was hard because he was always hopping around."

She laughs at him. Peter decided to get the courage to ask her out.

" Hey Mj would you like a cup of coffee with sometime?"

" You know what loser yeah I would like that. Oh and don't tell Harry."

Peter smiled and waved goodbye but he was also confused. Don't tell Harry? Was there something going on? He pushed it aside to head back to his apartment and get ready for his "date" with Mj.

At the apartment

May was cooking dinner when Peter rushed in and asked if she could give him some advice. This ended with her just telling him to be himself. He just smiled and said he is heading over to Harry's place with Ned.

At Osborn Mansion

Peter and Ned had arrived to see Harry mad about something.

Harry looks at his father and says" He has been on that phone all day."
Peter replies" Well he is the CEO of Oscorp. He is going to be busy."

Harry looks at him and sighes and goes back to typing on his computer.

Norman finally gets off the phone and shakes hands with Ned and Peter.

Norman looks at Harry then back at Peter. " Do you know this mystery girl is Harry is seeing?"he asks Peter.

Peter looks at Harry and replies," no I haven't heard anything of the sort."

Ned looks at them and his phone vibrates and he tells them he has to leave. They say goodbye as he walks away

At Avengers Mansion

Tony looks at the flip phone Cap had left him. " Gosh everything seemed so simple back then when we were first formed as a team. Never did I realize that more super beings would arrive from all this."

Pepper walks in with Rhodes and Happy.

" Tony you can't just sit here and mope get out there and see if you can find him on your own." Happy says.

Tony looks at him and smiles. " I would but the kid won't leave it alone. He wants to find this creep as well."

Rhodes looks at him and says,"Let him.  It seems like he knows something about this. Let him solve this and we can focus on other things like getting the accords to change."

Pepper who has remained silent untill now looks outside and says," Peter's here."

Peter walks into the room and pulls out the bomb casing and hands it to Tony.

" What's this for kid?" Tony asks.

" This is the bomb casing from a crime 3 days ago that I stopped." He pulls a smaller round looking bomb casing. "This is the bomb casing the flying nutjob used. They are made by the same material as well as the same company." He says as shows the Oscorp logo on both casing.

Tony looks shocked. " Ok I will look into this kid."

" Thanks Mr. Stark." Peter says as he heads back down to see Harry in his 2017 Ford Mustang. As they drive off Tony looks on above and smiles at them.

At Michelle's House

Michelle had just finished getting to head to the coffee shop.

Her Dad calls her down and asks her to be safe.

She says she will as she heads out. She made it to the coffee shop at the same time as Peter.

"Hey Mj."

"Hey loser"

They enter the coffee shop. The waitress asks what they will like.
" Small coffee." Peter tells her.

Michelle says,"small cappuccino please."

The waitress leaves with there orders.

Peter and Michelle sit in arkward silence for a short while before finally she asks him, "So how is the daily bugle?" Peter glad the silence was over says," Well I learned that my chief of staff J. Jonah Jameson or JJ as I like to call him, does not like Spider-Man but other then that it's pretty much the same as usual go in hand photos get my money and leave."

Michelle laughs. Peter looks at her. Her brown curly hair, her dark skin, and her brown eyes that seemed to to beautiful for the world.

Michelle notices Peter starting at her and smacks him on the back the head.
" Ow! What was that for?" he asks.
"You were staring at me. Had to make sure you didn't zone out on me."
she says.
Noticing it starting to rain she says she has to go and Peter walks out with her after getting there order.

They wave goodbye to each other. But Michelle didn't notice a couple of guys follow her. Peter did and jumped to the roof and changed quickly into Spider-Man.

" Hey sexy thing where you going?"one guy says as him and his gang follow her.

Michelle grabs her pepper spray as they finally caught up to her. She punched one in the face sprayed 2 others with the spray and kicked the one of the last 3 guys in the balls before they finally surrounded her and had her up against the wall before we start pulled them off of her.

She turns around and says stares as Spider-Man starts tossing them around. Finally the guys leave the area running away from him.

Peter turned and faced her. Michelle moved closer but he ran into the alley way before dropping down beside her hanging upside down and says" you have an knack for getting into trouble." To which she quickly replies" you have a knack for saving my life. Are you stalking me Spider-boy?"

Spider-Man looks at her and says," It's Spider-Man."
Michelle looks at him and says sarcastically" yeah sure it is."

After sitting for a few minutes she grabs the edge of his mask pulls to where his mouth and nose show.
Michelle passionately kissed him and pulled up his mask.

He webs himself back up and swings away while Michelle gets home soaked by the rain hops into the shower and then goes to bed after eating dinner.

Ok so this was a little rushed but I feel pretty good about this story so hope you enjoy this chapter and see ya next time

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