Final Showdown

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Peter fly's straight to into the building. He trys to web swing but hits the ground and rolls for a bit. He notices that the eye lense in his right side was broken and was missing. He lays against the wall trying to catch his breathe when his Spider sense went off.

A bomb landed about 2 feet away from him when it explodes blowing him back.

Goblin fly's in and sees what has become of Spider-Man. ( Think of what Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man looked at the end of it.)

Goblin jumps off his glider and lands in front of Peter.

" Misery, Misery, Misery that what you have chosen. I offer my friendship and you spat in my face." Goblin says as he punches Spider-Man 2 in the face and then kick him in the gut before finally uppercutting him.

Peter trys to stand up but is kicked away by him. Peter gets up and trys to fight back but Goblin hasn't let up and keeps punching Spider-Man down.

" Stark actually thought that you could be an Avenger. But kid trust me you don't need to be one right now. But you will never get the chance as I will kill you right here and now."

Goblin grabs Peter by his hand and tosses him into another wall. Peter gets up and makes a spider web to slow down Goblin. He goes for a punch but Goblin easily pinches him in the face and gets free he kicks Peter away and Peter lands against the wall before falling. He lifts his arm up and trys to spin a web but Goblin steps on his hand.

" You spun your last web Spider-Man. Have you not been so selfish your little girlfriend's death would have been quick and painless but now that you really pissed me off. I'm going to finish her nice and slow."

Peter looks up at him, anger clearly in his eyes.

" Mj and I are going to have a hell of time."Goblin says as he picks up a three spear Spike and thrusts it at Spider-Man.

He catches it and holds on long enough to push him away.

Peter then starts punching Goblin before finally webbing his feet and tripping him. He then webbed the wall and pulled it down on top of Goblin.

As the wall crashes Peter jumps ready other swing.

Goblin pulls himself out of the rubble. Peter swings and picks Goblin up before throwing at the wall.

He picks up Goblin and punches him. He does it over and over again before Goblin raises his hand.

" Peter! Stop! Stop! It's me."

Peter looks shocked.

"Mr. Osborn"

" Thank God for you Peter."

" You killed all though people on that balcony."

"The Goblin killed I had nothing to do with it. Just don't let him take me again. I beg of you protect me! "

"You tried to kill Aunt May. You try to kill Mj."

" But not you, I could never hurt you. Even from the beginning I knew that if anything were to happen to me. You Peter Parker would save me and so you have. Thank God for you."

As he says this he hits a button on his wrist as the glider starts floating behind him.

" Peter I tried to be like a father to you. Be a son to me now."

" I had a father. His name was Ben Parker."

Norman looks at Peter and says,"Godspeed Spider-Man."

Peter's spider sense goes off as the blades of the glider comes out and flys towards them. Peter jumps out of the way.

Goblin looks and says oh no before he is stabbed through the gut by the blade of the glider.

"Ugh ugh ugh ahhhh! Peter..."Norman says,"Don't Tell Harry." Then Norman falls dead on the glider.

Tony arrives to see the ending unfold. He heads over to Peter. Pats him on the back. He then heads over to Norman's dead body taking out the glider and destroying it. He then picks the body up and they leave.

At Osborn Mansion

Peter takes Norman's body inside and lays him down on the bed.

Harry walks in and points a gun at him.

" What you done? What have you done!?" He shouts as Peter quickly jumps out of the building and swings away.

At Norman's funeral

Everyone that had attended tell Harry they are sorry for his loss before leaving.

Peter walks up to Harry.

"Harry I'm real sorry about what happened." Peter says in a sad tone.

Harry looks at him

" I didn't lose him Spider-Man stole him from me. I promise one day Spider-Man will pay."

Harry leaves and Aunt May and Peter head over to Ben's grave.

May lays some flowers down. Looks at Peter, and leaves.

Michelle and Ned walk up to Peter and they just hold him. Ned then let's go of Peter. " I got to go if not Mom will kill me."

Ned then leaves with his family.

Michelle looks at Peter and she says, " You know when I was kidnapped by him. I could only think about was you."

Peter looks at her and says, " Well you got that wish and I even saved you and those kids but it came with a price." He looks over at Norman's burial.

Michelle then looks at Peter turns him to face her and she kissed him. Peter not knowing  what to do returned the kiss. After releasing the kiss for them to breathe. Michelle looks at him and Peter smiles and asks," So are we dating now?"

Michelle looks at him and says," I guess we are."

They both join Tony and May. They leave for the compound when Tony receives a call from Natasha.

At Avengers Mansion

Nat waited for Tony to arrive to see him, Pepper, Peter, May, and Michelle and sees them all dress for a funeral.

Tony explains what happens and Nat looks at Peter and did something she rarely does and hugs him.

Michelle though remembering her karate training felt useless and ask Nat to talk in private.

" Natasha I would like for you to train me. I'm tired of watching my friends and family get hurt trying to protect me."

Natasha looks at her " Ok hot shot. But you will be here every day after school for training."

Michelle nods and rejoins Peter and May talking in the corner of the room.

Nat calls Tony over and tells her to make a suit for Michelle. Tony asks why and shows Tony what she snuck out of Michelle's pocket when she wasn't looking.

It was sketch of a woman wearing a white suit. It looked exactly like the black panther only hers seemed to have tiger stripes on it.

He says that he would make her one but Nat owed him a favor.

Nat laughs and says ok. She heads to her room. Tony calls Peter over and says, " Well kid now that you experienced that trauma of guilty conscience. I believe it's time for you to become an Avenger. Oh and you can't turn this down."

Tony tells Peter to hit this button.

The suit shrinks down and forms into a watch with the Spider symbol on it.

Tony says that at graduation he and Michelle need to come up for her birthday since it was the day of graduation. Peter nods. He, May, and Michelle leave the compound and head home.

Ok yea so this came quicker then I expected. This is also my longest chapter of about 1267+ words. So thank you and stick around there is 3 chapters remaining in this story.

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