The Field Trip

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At School

Peter, Ned, and Michelle waited outside for the bus to arrive to take the class to Oscorp. " Hey, has anyone seen Harry? asked Peter.

"No, but why are you so concerned loser? asked Michelle.

" Maybe because he said he would be at the trip."

Ned looked at Peter and said, "Peter do you mind if I come over after school and watch Star Wars."

"Yeah but going to be a little late ya know Stark Internship."

"Ah I see." Whispers to Peter, " So when are you going to tell her that your Spider-Man and that you like her.

"Ned stop I am not going to tell her yet, maybe tomorrow or this weekend." answered Peter.

Michelle was too deep in her book to actually pay attention to there quote "nerdy conversation". What they don't know is that she already knows Peter's identity as Spider-Man, and she has a small crush on Peter.

At Oscorp

Harry was already there and was listening to his father work on what appears to be a glider of some sort.

" Harry, shouldn't you be at school?" asked Norman.

" No the field trip is here and they would have already left the school about now."

"Harry, I know losing your mother hurt all those years ago but time to make new friends."

"Well, I think I made if new friend or getting close to making a new one."

" Ok what's his name?"

" Peter Parker."

Norman stood there looking in shock at this. Peter's father had worked here at Oscorp before both Harry and Peter were born. He remembered that Richard met his wife here when she was working with Shield.

"I knew that kid's father." says Norman.

" He used to work here, bring Peter here I want to talk to him and see if he can solve his father's work, or at least talk to him about his father." Norman told Harry.

At the front desk in Oscorp

Harry joined up with Peter and tapped him on the shoulder

" Hey, Pete come with me, my father wants to meet you."

So, both Peter and Harry made a detour and met Norman talking to a few board members.

" Norman this project has gone on long enough we decided to give the project to Roxxon if you don't have it solved in 2 weeks" they told them and they left.

" Father, I brought Peter here to see you."

" Hello, Peter. Forgive me for having to cut this short and get straight to the point. Your father worked with me here at Oscorp for a few years during which he had you. I am terribly sorry for you."

Peter stands there shocked. " Is there anything else that you needed from me. It's been real nice and I don't know where to begin with my father.
I barely got to know him before he was gone."

Norman answered with a smile. " We got some of his work here if you would like to come up sometime and see."

" Ok great I can come over this weekend if that is ok." answered Peter.

Harry just looks on and finally asked his father,"What was the board here talking to you about." They're cutting the fundings of our project in 2 weeks if we don't solve it."

Norman looks at them and makes them join up on the bus since they talked for so long that they missed the tour. Not that Peter didn't enjoy his time and the small tour Harry gave him. But he was still in shock of what he learned today. 

His father worked here at Oscorp.

After School

School went by very fast for Peter.

He said goodbye to his friends and ran to an alley to change into his suit.

Hello Peter, how was the field trip.

" It was great, got to admit that learning about my father,even if it was a small bit really made me feel better."

Peter continue to swing around when he saw a robbery.

" What's up, guys "

" Shit it's the Spider, GET HIM!

They ran at him and he just webbed them to the wall left a note and left them for the police.

Well at least he would have if Karen didn't tell him about the bomb that was set to go off on the roof of the bank.

He climbed to the roof and found the bomb and tossed it into the air and webbed it before it exploded.

He went down to see the bomb casings and found one piece that made him nervous. The piece had the words Oscorp on the side.

" Oh great, the company my dad works at creates bombs for a living now, fantastic." he said sarcastically.

Ok so that's is the second chapter I am working on trying to make each chapter longer please like and give a review on this and what I need to work on in this story if you can no bad reviews and there something you didn't like send a review and tell me how to fix it please. This could possibly make me a better writer for my series to improve on them.

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