Bridge Battle

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Peter calls Tony and says," Goblin has Mj and he has her at Brooklyn Bridge."

Tony dons his mk47 armor and Peter changes into Spider-Man. May begs Peter not to go but he tells her he has to.

With Green Goblin

He finds a monorail car full if children and he pulls it up and says,"You kids will help me break the Spider." He cackles loudly and flys away pulling the car with him.

With May and Ned

They were both able to watch the news and see what was happening when they see the Goblin appears on the screen, dragging the car up with him as he flys around with it.

With Harry

He turns on the news watching this and says," Father what have you done to yourself."

The butler John looks at him and leaves the Mansion heading home for the night.

With Michelle she wakes up slowly and sees that she is on something. She takes a step back and nearly falls off the top of the bridge she trys to find a way down when she sees Goblin flying towards her. She ducks down as he fly's over head still laughing madly.

Peter and Tony arrive when they land they see Goblin flying by.

" The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the Goblin and took the Spider out."he sings madly and launches a rocket at the corner of the bridge towards the police.

Peter looks at what has happened."Goblin what have you done?"

Tony looks at the kid and sees him swing up to the Goblin to see him waiting for him.

"Spider-Man, this is why only fools are heroes. Because you never know when someone will come along with a sadistic choice." He pauses seeing Stark. " Let die the woman you love or suffer the little children."

The kids are shouting for Spider-Man to save them. 

"Make your choice, Spider-Man and see how a true hero is rewarded."

" Don't do it, Goblin!"

" We are who we choose to be. NOW CHOOSE!"he shouts as he let's go of the cord and Michelle.

Goblin hops on his glider and fly's away attacking Stark as he does.

Spider-Man jumps and catches Michelle and swings underneath the bridge catches the wire, fires a web and is now stuck trying to make sure no one else fell.

A police barge tells him they are going to bring the barge right under you.

Tony attacks Goblin hoping to finally put an end to the madness and when he gets close enough the Goblin launches rockets at Tony.

Tony gets hit by them all as his suit gets torn up and he falls on to the police barge.

Peter looks and sees Tony fall on the barge.

Goblin swings around and punches Spider-Man and Peter nearly drops the wire.

Tony in his damaged suit fly's back up and engages him in another fight and trys to fight back against Goblin.

Goblin kicks Tony back onto the bridge and then grabs him and throws him to the ground and then he slams his knee into Tony's stomach.

Tony lays unconscious with the police surrounding him.

Goblin laughs at Tony and was going to attack when the New Yorkers start throwing stuff at him. " Leave Spider-Man alone you going to pick on a guy trying to save a bunch of kids."
Another throws something else at Goblin nearly making him fall.

The barge finally gets under them and the kids were safely put on the barge. Michelle started climbing down.

Goblin finally gets back up on his glider when the man shouts,"You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us."

Peter finally gets Michelle down. Everyone cheers for them. Tony wakes up and smiles. He trys to stand up and help Peter but his boots weren't working. He looks and sees Goblin throwing Peter onto the bridge.

"You made your choice and now you will die because of your choice Spider-Man."

Goblin starts hammering down on Peter. The rest of the people on the bridge run up and start attacking the Goblin. Goblin starts knocking each and everyone of them out cold till the man who started all of this was left and he looked terrified. Goblin ignores him and goes to stab Peter when the man steps in front and takes the blade through the chest he pushes Goblin off the bridge. Goblin lands on his glider and starts flying around laughing madly as he does so.

" Sir, sir are you alright?" Peter asks.

The man says," please look after my daughter for me. I was hear when I saw my daughter on screen with this man. I ran up to save her and you guys ended up saving her but I wish I could hug and hold her one last time."

Peter looks at the man and says," Stay with Mr. Jones just stay with me." Peter desperately trys to keep the man alive but the man smiles and says,"Thank you Spider-Man for saving her." The man's let's out a few tears and then passes away in Peter's arms.

Goblin finally lands on the ground and starts laughing.

" So, finally done talking to the trash. If so let's continue our fight."

Peter stands up and screams at the loss and then launches at the Goblin that Goblin is sent feeling from the punch. Tony arrives to help and Goblin starts having a two on one fight. Goblin knocks Tony off the bridge and he fell just barely on the barge leaving Spider-Man and Goblin.

" Oh he was next on my list to kill but he ended up being the first." Goblin laughs madly at this. Peter tired for the fight trys to swing away but Goblin chases after him and grabs him and they start fighting on top of the glider. Michelle finally makes it to the bridge to see Peter fall off the glider and shoot a web. But Goblin grabs a wire and throws it at Spider-Man.

Michelle shouts," Spider-Man watch out!" But it was too late.  The wire taps around him as Goblin drags him to an abandoned building throwing him in there.

Ok the final battle arrives in chapter 12 folks hope you enjoyed this chapter

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