25- Twisted

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*this ch. May be confusing*make sure you read last chapter before reading this one.

Bendy smiled. "I'm dead, I'm dead! Oh, the joy!" He began laughing. The ink that slipped off his face was pouring down.

The doctor rushed forward as Bendy's soul cracked right down the middle.

"Oh, dear!" He ran out to see Mickey.
Bendy stood up, gold eyes glittering.

"Boris, don't hide!" He sighed. "If we are indeed dead then we are together!"

The demon toon smiled. "Boris, where are you~?"

He put a hand to the door and it swing open. His soul swirled with golden rays as he stepped out. It split in half. One side was broken and chipper, spilling gorgeous light.

Bendy felt his knees nearly give out as he came to his senses.

"Boris isn't dead..." He breathed. 'What am I doing out here?' he thought.

His head panged. The wolf stood beside him on his right. On his left side stood the angel.

"Bendy, can you hear me?"

Bendy gaped. They looked so real.

"B-Boris? Alice..." He felt another pang.


Bendy growled. "You aren't real!"

Alice touched his shoulder. It felt like a soft breeze.

"You can do it. And though we may be apart, we are forever inside," she breathed, and kissed his cheek.

Bendy shook his head. A nurse came walking in, seeing him pressed to the wall, talking to himself.

"I don't know how, Alice! I don't even know if this is real!"

"It is," Boris spoke. "Aren't we the same as when we departed? You need to go back to sleep! You need to find out what is wrong with you!"

The nurse approached him. "Mister? Where is your doctor?"

Bendy looked at her. Was she real? Or was this a figment of imagination...?

"I'm nurse Fanny, who is your doctor?" She asked. Bendy turned to look at them. They we're gone.

"Oh. I-I'm sorry, miss. I don't remember how I came out here..."

"Alright." She glanced at his soul and gasped. "Hold on! Y-you're one of the two who has soul trouble," she spoke with pity seeping into her voice. "Bendy, right?"

The demon nodded. "Yes. I remember the Doc giving me this... Injection... And then I was out here..." He gasped. "He went to Mickey! Dammit!" He broke out into a run back into the room.

Fanny came running with him. "Wait-"

Bendy slammed open the door, a crazed look in his eyes. "Mickey," he breathed. The mouse was awake.

"Bendy...? Is something wrong?"

The doctor was by his side.

"Mickey is fine. As for you, you need to sit down." The doctor had seen many terrible things in his career, but this situation seemed so bizarre...

"No. I need to leave! I- I have to go back to my home!"

"Bendy," Mickey said softly. "This is your home now."

Bendy laughed incredously. "You can't be serious! Look, I don't know what's happening to me and I would really love an answer!''

"...I would, too."

(batim x disney)Keep Smiling ((OLD/ BEING REMADE))Where stories live. Discover now