(10) A Light

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Bendy slowly helped Mickey up, gritting his teeth as he heard Mickey's winces of pain.

"I can carry you again, you know... I don't enjoy seeing you like... This."

Mickey sighed. "You said we have to be careful. You said our souls could connect. I would rather be in pain than be possessed."

Bendy's mouth was a firm line.
"That's not how it works-"

"Then how does it?" Mickey cut him off with a snap. He winced silently, one hand brushing on the wall as he walked, Bendy beside him in case he would collapse...

"Mickey, I'll find a way to fix this. I prom-"

"Don't make a promise you can't keep."

Bendy rested a hesitant hand upon his shoulders temporarily stopping the mouse from proceeding further.

"I forced this upon you. I want to- no, need to fix this. But a little hope would be nice..."

Mickey shook off the demons' hesitant grip. "The technology in the took world is much better. I'll just go to a doctor there." He continued his awkward shamble.
Bendy raised an invisible brow.

"A regular doctor can't help you with this, Mick. But I can. Just believe, and come back with me to the ink machine... I'll figure out a way."

Mickey sighed. "I won't take my chances."

They said nothing more as they headed to the portal.
The portal was sealed off, but their nearby presence reactivated it. It shone a mirror of the white walls within the corridor where it was from. And on the other side at the control panel appeared a green murky, blurred figure.

You guessed it.

The most legendary gremlimg of ALL TIME...
Gremlin Gus.

"Are you ready to go, Bendy?"

"... I'm just kind of scared for what's on the other side..."

Mickey smiled faintly.

"That's what the other toons said, too."

The reflection of little color in the portal shone In Bendy's glossy black eyes.

"Let's get this over with together."

Mickey scoffed.

"Yeah... Together..."

Bendy took a deep breathe before hopping though, tipped tail whisking behind him.

Mickey shook his head, and followed closely behind.

349 words

(batim x disney)Keep Smiling ((OLD/ BEING REMADE))Where stories live. Discover now