32- The Picnic

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The demon searched frantically for the one piece of paper that would solve everything. The picnic was his goal now; to fee his friends- no, family- from imprisonment. 

"That darn paper..." he breathed. "It's gotta be here somewhere..." he bent down beneath a chair, for he remembered one picture that was held in a frame beneath the desk. 

His hands felt around a board, and he clasped them around a metal frame. He pulled it out, but what he saw was nothing. It was empty. 

With growing terror, he dashed to Henry's desk, but again his secret frame was empty. He stood up, his clawed hands balling into tight fists. 

"Control thy anger," he muttered to himself. and breathed. "Now, where else could I have stowed that picture?" He did a complete 360 and strode down the halls, muttering to himself. And then- a sudden thought crashed down as he winced. 

A memory- so far away, it seemed- he had changed, but instead of how he was now, fully in control (with  only slightly muddled thoughts) he remembered a foggy, long distant memory. It was as though he had unlocked it from the depths of his mind, open now for him to read. 

Many years ago, he stumbled upon a working projector. What was it playing that made him so upset? Hellfighter- he remembered watching himself, grinning, and then-


He had changed in a burst of misery for the wolf. He had grabbed the projector, and thrown it against the wall. His breathing ragged, eyes glinting a soulless black- he went on a rampage, ripping and tearing, throwing and destroying. But the pictures- he had stashed them somewhere...

But now- nearly fifteen years later- he couldn't remember.

Bendy's heart began to race. He clutched his head, growling, trying so hard to remember...

"Bendy?" A female voice rang. His head snapped up in wild confusion. "Calm down, okay? It won't help when you're like this." She stood right in front of him. 

"Alice, I can't remember-"

"Yes you can. You won't get anywhere if you don't look up and see the light," she winked, and turned, disappearing from view. 

The demon's mouth fell open. Look up...?

Slowly, he did, and his mouth closed in order to form a smile. God, he loved that angel. 

He followed the pipes which lined the walls, and his grin widened as he used his clawed feet to dig into the wall, which were already dug quite deep- and climbed into the vent where a small duct-like room held three single papers. His breathing hitched as he reached for one, and pulled it closer to him. 

There was a still picture of Alice and Boris sitting under a tree, a picnic basket in front of them as their inked expressions and waved hands showed excitement. 

"Boris," he breathed. "Alice..." his brow furrowed. "The machine." his one eye flickered gold as he placed the paper in his jaws, and hopped down, and took the paper relieved and excited for the near revival of his dead friends...


Mickey stayed still on the chair, and he waved as Oswald came out of a room with a bundle of frayed blankets. "These might've been Bendy's at one point, but they'll work."

The mouse accepted one, including a smaller one to turn into a makeshift pillow. "Thanks," he said. Oswald nodded. 

They placed the 'beds' next to each other, and they climbed in. There was little light from a lamp nearby, and its eerie glow reflected from both of their shiny, reflective pie cut eyes. 

It was Oswald who then noticed the noise- a faint creaking, growing louder by the minute. 

"Hey, Mick-?"

And that was when the pipes blew. 

The machine was on.

614 words

To be Continued...

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