Chapter Two: I've Missed You

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As we all started walking to the entrance, we were all actually excited about what was to come for tonight. I even got out my camera, and started to take a few pictures. "Genesis, why are you taking pictures? This is going to be old stuff from the past.", Colleen said as I smiled at her. "What? It's not like I brung my iPhone with me. Besides, I want to create memories tonight.", I said to her. As we all kept on walking, we all screamed after seeing a clown coming out of the red curtains. I hid behind Joey, and heard her talking to us. "It's your lucky day! Because the carnival's in town! Hahahaha!!!!", the clown lady said while laughing creepily.

My Confession: I am not a big fan of clowns; even when I was a kid. Remembering all the birthday parties I went to, and circuses, I was not a clown lover.

"We have a strong man, a snake women, dolls with knives. It's like bloody Christmas everyday! Hahaha!!! We will be friends soon. I've got a good feeling about that! Enjoy the ride!", the clown said. I was a bit creeped out by her tone; mostly because she kept her eyes on me for some weird reason. "Uh, thank you?", I said while walking with the others. "Did she say dolls with knives?", Matt asked me.

Inside the Carnival
Once we all got inside the carnival, my eyes were glowing. Because the carnival and town looked so adorable and beautiful. There was so many things to do; and it was all free. There was free rides, free food, free games, and free everything! "What is there to save? This all looks fun.", Colleen said as we all agreed with her.

My Confession: Okay, not what I was expecting for tonight. But it's all pretty dang fun a cute. Why would Joey say that this place is dangerous?

"Hey there, high shirt! Where are you going tonight?", a man said to Nikita while she was still walking. I could tell that she was finding him like, if he was kind of everything to her. And I don't blame her. He did look pretty good looking. "Who are you?", Teala asked the man. "I'm Mortimer.", he said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I looked at him in shock and started to blush again. "H- H- Hi...", I said in a weird way. I was just not expecting a kiss from him. "He's lying!", Roi said as he put his arm around my shoulder. However, I took his arm off my shoulder. "Why don't you just play some games, and have a good time before my mom shows up? You know?", Mortimer told us. "Are you a mama's boy?", Nikita asked him. "My mom is the mayor.", he answered her. And with all of that being said, we all went off to have some fun for ourselves.

Twenty Minutes Later...
Everyone seemed happy. Nothing bad has happened so far. Even when me, Matt, and Ro were busy playing a game, Matt won a pink horse plush named Blanche. However, when the guy gave it to him, he had on this weird smile on his face; he must've been high or something. As me and my friends kept on walking, Roi decided to walk right up to me. "You know, Genesis, I'm going to be free tomorrow night. I was wondering if maybe you would like to go see a movie or something?", he said as I just looked at him strangely.

My Confession: Roi's had a crush on me, ever since the day I met him. And even though he's sweet and all, I don't like him in a love type of way. I only like him as a friend.

"Uh, thanks Roi. But I'm-", I said until Ro called us. "Guys, come here!", she said as we both started to walk again. As we caught up with everyone, we all saw this weird woman creeping around. She looked like a gypsy of some sort. "Hello! Bonjour!", Ro said to the woman. Considering the fact that she was a jet setter, she wanted to use her skills to help this weird woman out. "The stars. The stars have been talking to me.", the woman replied. We all got confused for a second, but Ro was curious. "What are they saying then?", Ro asked her. "All kinds of secrets.", the woman replied again. "Like what? Friendship secrets? Dark secrets?", I asked her. She then looked at Ro's dog plushy and touches it weirdly. "He's coming.", she said one more time. I was a bit creeped out by her at this point, and I was just about to back away. However, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and saw that it was Joey, who was smiling at me. "Come with me. Let's go somewhere to talk privately.", he said as he gave me his hand. I then took it, and we both started to walk away from the group.

My Confession: I feel bad that I had to leave the group with "Miss Crazy" with them. But Joey wanted to talk to me in private. I wonder what it could be.

In The Forest of Everlock
As we both kept on walking, I was crossing my arms a bit. "You cold?", Joey asked me. "Yeah, just a little bit.", I said with a smile. He then took off his jacket and put it on me. I looked at him and gave him a sweet smile. He was such a gentleman. As we kept on walking, we both found a bleacher to sit down on. Once we sat down, we both looked up at the sky. The moon was glowing so bright like a diamond, and it was so beautiful. "I'm sorry I haven't been in contact with you all year.", Joey said to me. "It's fine. What happened to you, anyway?", I asked him. He then took a deep breath and felt like not saying anything to me. He also looked sick in the face. "Joey, are you alright?", I asked him. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just, I can't really say what happened. It's..... Actually pretty hard for me to tell you.", he told me. I then placed my hand on top of his and tried to calm him down. "Well, look! It's fine if you don't want to tell. What's important is that I got to see you again.", I said to him as he started to calm down. "Thanks for being understandable, Genesis. You're such an amazing friend.", he said to me sweetly as I started to blush. "Hey, I'm always on your side no matter what.", I said. "Thanks! I missed you.", Joey said as he put his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer to him. "I've missed you too.", I said with a smile. I then flicked a piece of his hair dangling off his head, and laid back on his shoulder. I was expecting tonight to be bad, but this was all pretty great. Nothing could go wrong.

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