Chapter Six: Disco Night

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At the Disco Roller Rig
We were all on our own now, and me and the group have already found the place. "Okay, this is it.", I said to the others. I could tell that they were all a bit nervous, but we have to cleanse that part of the jack. After taking a deep breath, we all went inside. And let me just say, that it was a clown disco party in there.

My Confession: We all see clowns everywhere. And we're all not that scared anymore. They're just busy dancing, roller skating, and everyone is having a fun time.

We're all greeted by so many clowns, and they're all falling for our disguises. I know that we were all on a mission right now, but we were busy dancing and having a great time with the clowns. Well, for me, not so much. "Hey? Are you alright?", Joey asked me. I then placed my hand on my arm, and looked down on the floor. "Yeah, I am... It's just... I know we're supposed to fit in with the crowd while looking, but.... I can't dance...", I said while looking a bit embarrassed. But all Joey did was just smile at me, and put his thumb on my chin to make me look at him. "Hey, it's okay. I can help you, so we can both act natural around these clowns. Just give me your hand.", he said as he showed me his hand. I was immediately blushing at this point. He actually wanted to dance with me. I couldn't resist to ignore him, so I took his hand. We both then started to dance around the disco floor. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening to me. Joey spun me around a few times, and we were both laughing and having a great time. I even liked it when he picked me up in the air and spun me around while dancing. This dance was really a good distraction for the clowns to fall for.

My Confession: This night is really turning out great! Me and Joey dancing to distract is really..... Amazing, actually.

As me and Joey were still dancing, we both stopped to look at each other for a moment. I even closed my eyes, and he did too. We were both moving closer to each other's face; I could tell because I felt a hot breath coming close to my lips. But as we were about to touch lips, Colleen came over. "Guys! We found her!", she said as me and Joey looked at her. "You did? Where is she?", Joey asked as JC came over and told us. We all then saw a clown lady with a rainbow top, and she had the case we were looking for. Plus, she was holding a drink; which was good, because we had to drug her in order to get the case.

My Confession: So the others tell us that they see the clown, and that she has the case with her. The only thing we need to do now, is get it from her.

We all didn't have time to think of a plan, so we just went up to her and acted weird. And I mean, very weird. "Hey, I'm really thirsty. Can I have some of that beer?", I asked her. She was actually polite to give it to me, so I took it.

My Confession: I got the beer, now all I need is the drug. So what I did, is that I pretend to drink the beer, slip the drug in without her knowing, and give it back to her.

"Thank you!", I said while giving her back her beer. I then saw that she drunk the drug, and she was starting to feel tired and drunk very quickly; looks like it was working. "Hey, are you alright?", everyone asked the clown. She couldn't barley talk, she was losing her mind completely. So we all took her outside, and she fainted immediately. This was finally a good time to get the case. But apparently, it had a code on it. I look at the case closely, and see that there are arrows pointed to pink dots. "Guys, maybe we can find the dots back inside. When we went it, I noticed some pink dots on some of the stages.", I told everyone. We all then went back inside the building, and looked around the room for the dots. We all saw that some of the dance stages had dots on them. As the team was thinking about them, I kept watch for anyone who was suspicious about any of us. And speak of the devil, I was right. Because I saw the clown lady from before; and she was coming to us. "What are you guys doing?!", she asked. "Just dancing!", I said before anyone else.

My Confession: I didn't want anyone to sound suspicious in front of her, so I volunteered to help them out. So what do I do.... I get up on the stage, and dance so cringe-like. But hey, I had to do it! I just had to.

I kept on dancing on the stage like crazy, as the group pretended to dance too. Good thing Colleen was dancing with me on stage; and let me just say that she was doing so much better than me. Once the clown woman bought it, she walked away. I got off the stage, and went back to talk to the group. But as I was about to say something, JC came in. "If we count them from high to low, that will only give us four numbers. How will that make sense? If we counted everything from that box, everything from that box, and everything from that box, and everything from that box. That's four numbers.", he said as we all heard him. "So maybe those, like, a number could've two digits in it.", Joey told him. "Oh! That's it! He's standing on two dots, so that's four on top. That's four right there, that's eight. That's eleven. So the last two numbers are eleven.", JC explained to us all. I was really impressed by the way he was talking. He did the math, and got the combination to the case. We all left the disco rig and went back outside. "JC, that was incredible!", I said while jumping into his arms for a hug. I even kissed him on the cheek as a bonus. Everyone even asked him how he did that, and all he said was that he was worried. So as we all put in the code, we get the case opened, grabbed the part of the jack in the box, and ran back to the hideout.

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