Chapter Ninteen: The Lies With In

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Back at the Lounge

Me and the group start to talk about who should go into the next challenge; and this time, it has to be any of the boys. "I feel like I am a player that does everything and I do them well.", Manny told us. "And he does them so well, that you won the strong man competition.", Matt added in. As the both of them are still talking, I start to feel more pain in my arm. Not just that, but I hear the voice in my head again. "It's time that you know the truth... He's been lying to you all for so long now. It's time for me to show you...", the voice said as I put my hands on my head. I felt like I was getting a headache now. Because for some reason, I had immediate head trauma. "Genesis? Are you okay?", Colleen asked me as I got up. I took off my hat and started to act even more weird for some reason. "I-I don't know.... I feel.... I feel.... It's so hot in here.... Does anyone else-", I say in a very weird tone. But afterwards, I fall down on the floor and become unconscious once again. As I drifted away, I could still hear everyone's voices.

In the Abandoned Church, in My Mind

I wake up to find myself back with the Carnival Master, himself. He walked over to me, as I got up. "You again? What do you want from me?", I said as he let out a chuckle. "Hehehe... My dear child. Didn't you remember what I told you before? About that savant boy of yours?", he said to me. "No wonder why the voice sounded familiar in my head. But yes, I do! I don't think that he's lying or tricking me and my friends in any way.", I stated out. The Carnival Master then walked around me, and all I did was watch to see what he was doing. "You think so? So, you think that there is nothing wrong with him? Are you quite sure?", he asked me. "Yes, I'm sure. Joey would never do anything to betray me nor his friends. No matter what, I still trust him.", I said as the Carnival Master smiled. I then saw his crystal heart glowing, and saw an image of the group back at the lounge. I also saw me lying down on a chair, still unconscious. "W-What is this?", I ask. "You'll soon see...", he told me as I looked at the heart and saw the group talking. They were all mostly talking about how Joey should go into the challenge, but Joey was telling them that he can't. "I feel a connection to this town and I have a purpose here. There's something more that I have to do here; and if I'm killed before that time, you guys won't get out of here alive. You need me.", Joey told the group. As I kept on listening, I heard Colleen calling him a liar. Joey asked her why he is one, but all she did was say that she doesn't believe anything he said. "You know things that you're not telling us. You're being sketchy. Your friends are dying. You MOSTLY have a friend who just fell unconscious for some weird reason, and you just don't seem to care! I think you should go home, because I think you're a liar. I do not trust you at all.", Colleen explained to Joey. She immediately told him off. I was so shocked after hearing what she had to say to him. I then saw the rest of the group talking about if they want to vote Joey into the challenge, and that got me a bit scared. "He's our friend. What if he's not a liar?", I thought to myself. I then saw Joey starting to cry a bit, and he started to talk to the group about something. "I didn't want to tell you guys this from the beginning, because I was scared of- like- what you guys would think. Um.. Truth is, I died.", he said. I gasped after he said, "I died". "I-I died and woke up in this town. I was so scared. I didn't know what was going on. And I signed a contract that I would save this town and they would bring me back to life. And if I don't save this town, I die with it.", Joey explained to the group again. "You should have told us from the beginning.", I heard Nikita say to him. "I know. I should've told you guys, but I didn't know how you guys would take it.", Joey said again to the group. Once he was done talking, I saw that some of my friends were looking at him like if he's crazy. Even Matt said that he was poorly acting. As the image of the group disappeared, I looked down and started to form tears. The Carnival Master looked at me and started talking again. "He wasn't telling that much of the truth, now was he?...", he said as I looked up. "It's not real... I trust him! He would never do anything to put himself and all of my friends in danger.", I told him as he played another image on the crystal. "Oh no?", the Carnival Master said as I looked at the image. It should a picture of Joey walking up to the abandon church, and there are two people with a contact. The woman looks at him and tells him what to do before signing. "I have a way for you to get back. But, it will involve your friends to die.", she tells him. Joey then took the blade from her, scratched his hand, and signed the contract with his blood. I got into complete shock after seeing all of this happening. Now I knew what he meant by, "I died". As the image disappeared again, I immediately start to cry. "No! How could he do this?... Why?...", I tell myself while hitting the floor hard with my fist. I couldn't believe that Joey kept this secret from all of us. And as his friend, I trusted him with all my heart. I stood up for him. I was the only one he could talk to. Most of all, I loved him. The pain of hearing his lies, made me even more upset to even think about. As I kept on crying, the Carnival Master got down and petted my back. "There, there, my child... You didn't know at all...", he told me as I got up. "You were right.... He was lying this entire time... Oh Joey, why?...", I said. I then felt the Carnival Master placing his hands on my shoulders; and all of a sudden, my eyes began to glow blue again. He then went close to my ear, and whispered something to me. "Obviously, he's the traitor in your steps.... You must escape him and hide before you're the next one killed.... And I can be able to help you with that.....", the Carnival Master told me as I started to feel weird. My mind shifted for a second, and I felt myself not in control anymore when I started to wake up.

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