Chapter Fourteen: Finding Fingers & Gemstones

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Out in the Middle of the Carnival

Once the teams were made up, we all left the lounge to go find the gemstones. Not just that, but fingers as well. Because when we made it outside, we all saw these severed hands that were missing fingers. I was a bit sickened after seeing them, but I got over it. As we all huddled around, Safiya read the note.

   Each clue will lead their respective group to a severed finger. After each finger is found, the group must return to their hand and put it back to the bone to receive the next clue. There's an additional puzzle by the pump station that holds one of the Lazarus coins needed to open the Lazarus box. It does not need to be completed to win, but if a hunting party manages to open it, they'll not only get the coin, but be moved ahead to the final clue even if they've not solved the others.

My Confession: So basically, we're supposed to find some fingers in order to claim the gemstones. Now, I'm a lover for gems and other diamonds, but I don't think that finding a finger in order to get one is definitely worth it; in my perspective.

"I think that we should get started.", Mortimer insisted as we all got a bit nervous. Team one was with Calliope, and team two was with Mortimer. Once the teams were ready, we all split up. We all begin to run to our first destination, but it's so difficult to see when there's green fog everywhere. Joey said that he can't see, and I can't either. But I could for a second, when I saw the Man with No Name coming over to us. We all head to a red light and stay there until he leaves.

My Confession: What the hell was that thing?! It looked like a scarier version of Slender Man!

Once we saw him walk away all creepy, we all continue our search for fingers. The first clue that we had didn't really make the much sense though.

Clue #1: Stand between the sun and moon. Locate the tree that died too soon.

We're basically going all around the town, until I spot a dead tree with something on it. "Guys! I see a finger!", I told the group as Joey grabbed it. I understood what the clue meant now; for a second I thought that it was going to be another dead body. So far, we had one; only two more to go. We all then race back to the dead hand and place the finger on it. However, when we did, it made a very gross squishy sound. "So what's the next clue?", I ask Joey. But as he was about to tell me, we all saw the Man with No Name coming towards us all. We all spotted the red light, and went under it.

My Confession: We're never going to get those fingers if that Slender Man-looking thing keeps coming out every second. Luckily, I had an idea. But I wasn't so sure about it...

"I have an idea! Why don't me and Nikita distract him while the rest of you find the fingers?", I told the group. They all looked at me for a second and thought of my idea as crazy. "Are you actually serious?...", Nikita asked me as I shook my head. I then saw the Man with No Name moving again and looked back at the group. "We don't have that much time. If we want to claim those gemstones, we need to get those damn fingers.", I explained. Nikita let out a sigh and looked at me again. "Okay, fine! Let's go!", she said as we both got out of the light. "Be careful, you two!", Colleen reminded us. As we both went into the fog, we both started to talk to the Man with No Name. I was kind of doing some of the talking, but Nikita was really going at it. "Excuse me? Hi, sir! Tall man, are you over six foot? Come to daddy! Come here, daddy!", Nikita complimented the Man with No Name. I honestly didn't know what to say now; she was doing most of the work.

My Confession: Huh! Maybe this idea was going to be easier than I thought...

"That's it, girls. Keep distracting him.", Joey told us. The Man with No Name then walks over to us, and me and Nikita start running away and scream.

My Confession: Never mind! I've stand corrected...

After constantly distracting/screaming at the Man with No Name, Joey tells me and Nikita to make a run for it to help him find the next clue. Luckily the Man with No Name left, which made it a great time to run. Once we got back with our group, Joey read us the clue.

   Clue #2: Find Secret Behind 15 Doors.

We all head to this weird building, where there's like so many doors to open. When the note said that there were fifteen doors, I didn't believe it. But now I do, apparently. As the group and I search the doors, Joey says that he already found the door that we were looking for. As he took the finger, we all went back to the hand to place the second finger on it. After that was done, the third clue came.

Clue #3: 88 Keys Open The Door.

As we're all thinking about this last clue, Joey finally got it. "*Gasp* A piano!", he said as we all agreed. Manny then tells us that there must be one in the shop behind. And he was right. As we all exit the place, we go off to complete the hand. Once the last finger was placed on, we all found another note that told us to go get the gemstones. As we all raced to go find the box that holds them, the Man with No Name comes out of nowhere, and we all huddle back under a red light. I saw him scaring off Teala's group, and started to feel bad that they were all still searching. As he left, we all ran around the town to find the box. Luckily we did when we spotted one in the distance next to a building. As I opened it up, I saw these beautiful gemstones sparkling in my eyes. "WE DID IT!", I cheered as the others did too. As we closed the box, we took it with us and made a run for it immediately.

My Confession: We did it! We finally got the gemstones. Now we can all place them on the statue.

Back at the Lounge

Once we all got back, everyone started to hug each other. I was the last one to come in, and everyone was just so happy. Manny picked me up in his arms and had me hang on his back during the group hug, for fun. As he placed me down, he went to hug Calliope. I then gave Joey a hug, and blushed a bit when he smiled at me. "I'm so glad that we got this done.", he told me as I looked at the floor for a second. I then thought about what I saw when I was unconscious, and what I saw on my arm earlier. This made me decided that it was time to tell Joey the truth. But before I could, Teala's group comes in unhappy about losing the challenge. "So I guess that means you guys are up for vote.", Joey reminds them as they all knew already. I then find the next note and read it.

   The blood gem can only be recovered by learning the name of the man without one. Two must be selected by vote to enter his toxic lair and steal from him. In addition, one group member from the group that won the challenge to claim the first pair of gemstones, can help any of the two selected challengers.

My Confession: I swear! If I get chosen again to help out in one more challenge... Then, just like Nikita, I'M GOING TO LITERALLY HURT SOMEBODY! *Groans in pain* Man... With this tattoo really taking over my stress, I feel so angrier all of a sudden...

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