Chapter Twenty Seven: Being the Team Player, Once Again!

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"You're going to start at the merry-go-round. To your left. Right, a little. Stop!", Nikita tells Joey. I see him walking to the carousel and asks what to do next. "Wrap it around the first horse you touch!", I tell him. Joey then starts to tie the noose around the horse, but I could hear him say that he's scared because of the zombies around him. Luckily he gets the noose around the first place, and walks slowly to the other place. "Left! Left! Your other left! Left! Left!", me and the other two tell him. Joey then feels the pole, and ties around the noose again. "Go straight this time, Joey! Don't get scared. Just keep going straight until you feel another pole!", I said while seeing Joey to head to the last spot. As he ties around the noose one more time, we tell him to head back to the carousel and tie down the last of the noose. However, the zombies made him scared again. "Just keep walking, baby. Don't get distracted by them.", I tell him. Once the last piece of the noose is tied, Joey starts to walk to the center of the triangle. As he did, a chest opens to where he is. "Turn around, and keep going straight! Keep going straight!", Nikita tells him. Joey walks slowly to the chest, and pulls out the second Life Stone.

My Confession: So far, we're almost there! Two down! Only one more.

"Okay! What should we do?", Joey asked as he took off the hood. "JOEY!", I shouted. He then runs away from the zombies, and Matt and Nikita tells him to hide in the drugstore. Joey makes it in there safety, but zombies huddle around the entrance of it. "Please tell me that he knows that there's a back door...", I told the two. I then see Joey coming out from behind the building, and he runs back to us while the coast is clear. However, I remember that Matt decided to lock the front doors. "Oh no!", I shout while seeing him struggle to open the door. I then get downstairs quickly and see that there's a chair on the door. "YOU STUPID IDIOTS! Why is there a chair in front of the door?!", I hear Joey shout. As Matt takes the chair out, and check around the street for any sign of Joey. "Joey! Keep walking straight!", I tell him. Luckily he went inside a store to be protected. "I have a damn bone to pick with you guys, dumping a chair in front of the door!", he shouts while walking towards us. "Okay! We're sorry! Damn! Just keep on walking your ass over here and hear my voice!", I said as he kept on following the sound of my voice. "Yeah? Well, I tried that once!", he said while coming closer. He walked up the steps slowly, and finally came inside. As Nikita closed the door, I helped him take off the hood. "Are you alright?", I asked him. "What the hell was that?! I try to get in here; and you guys have a chair in front of the door?!", he said in a pissed tone. Luckily Matt explained why it was there, and he finally stopped acting like a baby.

My Confession: So after dealing with Joey's "little tantrum", we get a note to tell us where the last stone is.

   The Maiden of Madness contains the third Life Stone. It will only release the crystals once it has feasted upon the flesh of an undead mother.

Joey then tells us that we need to go back to the Maiden's lair, and me and Matt ask at the same time what is the Maiden of Madness. "Where we killed Colleen.", Joey answered us both. Matt said that he was dead when this happened, and I remembered that my nightmare showed Colleen died in that huge chamber. Nikita then explains to us that it was a gruesome death for Colleen, but she knew where it was. Joey then looks back at the note and finish reading it.

   Caroline passed away two years ago from grief, over her lost child; and they say she was buried with a token of her daughter.

My Confession: So the last step in order to claim the last stone, is to find the mother's daughter's token. Hopefully it'll be something not creepy...

"I can run out with Genesis, distract them, maneuver all of them, and then put on the hood while Genesis hides for herself.", Nikita explained her plan to all of us. I didn't argue with the last part or anything; dealing with zombies was the last thing I need to do before seeing the Carnival Master again. As we all left the building, Matt and Joey wait inside while me and Nikita distract the zombies. "Hey zombies, look at us! We're really cute!", Nikita says while we're running. Joey and Matt then make a run for it, but Nikita stops to put the hood on her. I hide behind a building quickly and told the guys to keep on running. Once they left, I saw Nikita looking a bit terrified. "Are you okay?", I asked her. "No! This is terrifying! Okay, happy place, Nikita.", she tells me while walking. I walk quietly to the next building to see Nikita now trying to act like a zombie. Luckily she makes it inside a building in front of her and gets in for safety. She stays in there for a few seconds, and makes it back into Fat Man's Slims. Once she did, I then saw Matt and Joey going into a building; and they were in trouble. "Nikita! Pass me the hood!", I tell her. She then opened the door and threw it quickly. I then ran up to the hood and took it. I had no time to think of an idea, so I just went for it immediately. "Hey, undead idiots?! You want a piece of me?! Then come and get it!~", I said as the zombies looked at me. I then ran for my life when I saw them chasing me. Joey saw what I was doing and ran out of the building with Matt. After getting them out of there, I placed the hood on. Joey and Nikita were right: I couldn't see clearly at all.

My Confession: Okay, this might be a problem...

"Follow the sound of my voice!", Matt called out as I heard him. I then walked slowly down the street, and I could feel the zombies following me so close. "Genesis! Over here!", I hear Joey while turning right. I then get inside quickly and he shuts the door.

My Confession: Finally in with the others! Now I can take the hood off!

Joey then takes the hood from me, and he goes outside to find Caroline by shaking the rattle he had with him. I looked out the window to see what's happening, and I could see this one woman zombie coming up towards him; that had to be Caroline. Joey then comes back inside and takes off the hood. "Okay, here's the plan: I'll go with Matt to distract the zombies, while you two take Caroline to the maiden.", I explained the plan to the group. Matt agrees to come with me, and places the hood on. I wait for him to get out first so the zombies can see him, and get out to hide behind a building. I catch up to Matt, as he takes off the hood. "What are you doing?", I ask him. "Hey, zombies! Zombies!", he shouts at the undead. As he ran and chanted the word, I roll my eyes and ran with him. "Okay! With the word aside, what's the plan?", I asked Matt. However, he had nothing to say. "You don't have a plan?", I asked him again. "Hey! I've been dead for like an hour! I haven't gotten the time to think straight.", he tells me as we kept on running. After a few minutes of running, Matt and I went back to hiding from the zombies. He placed on the hood, and I went behind a building. As I assisted on helping him not trip, I hear Joey's voice. "Matt! Genesis! We got it!", he shouts. Matt and I then walk away quickly from the zombies and make it back to the hideout. "Keep going straight, Matt!", I tell him. "You're the only straight one left.", Nikita jokes as me and Matt laughed. Once he got inside, Joey reads the note again.

   The faces of your deceased friends have a message on their backs; that will turn the tide in your fight against them.

My Confession: The note didn't really make that much sense. But it gave me an idea quickly.

"Wait! The cards! What if that's what the note means?", I asked the group. They all agreed with the idea I had, and decided to say that we needed to go back to the lounge. Joey said that we may not need a decoy anymore; instead we run for our lives. As we ran back to the arcade, we barricaded the doors and went to the lounge to find the voting box.

My Confession: We all see the box and wonder how to get the cards out. That's when Nikita notices a hole on top of the box that matches the base of the stone. And once she puts it on, the box opens!

Once we get the cards, we place them on the table to see what the message is from our friends. We shuffling around the cards, and finally get something.

   With the power of the Life Stones, place the stones around the harp and strum it twice. The Lazarus harp can be used to summon fallen champions.

My Confession: Now that we got the message down, we start to set up everything. I didn't know if we were bringing a friend back or something, but it better be someone helpful.

As the stones were in place, including the harp, Joey strummed it twice and it struck like magic. Smoke appears outside of the room and we couldn't believe who we saw.

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