Chapter Three: The Clown Attack

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Back in the Carnival
Me and Joey got back with our friends, and they were all staring at the Ferris wheel. Why? Because Matt and Ro were on it. "Hey guys! How's the view from up there?", I shouted at them. However, they were shouting something at me and the others. They said something about not trusting somebody, but I couldn't hear them from up there. "Hey, Genesis, the clown lady says that she has a fun game for us to play. Do you wanna play?", Joey told me. I then shook my head and went with him. Teala even decided to tag along with us. As we made it to the booth, I saw what game we were playing: Knock the Milk Bottles. "Oh! I want the pony! I want the big pony! If I get it, can I get the big pony, please?", Joey asked the clown lady in the cutest voice he made. He was just too adorable to me. "Maybe! You'll just have to get it.", the clown lady said as Joey gave his hit a good throw. Me and Teala helped him, and he won. As he cheered, he hugged me and Teala with glee. "How about instead of the pony.", the clown lady said as she pulled out something. It looked like a music box. This got me and the other two confused. Why would she give Joey that? However, she did tell Joey not to open it just yet, but that's what got him to get even more confused. As we thanked the clown lady, we went off to find something else to do. Something about that clown doesn't seem right, to me. First, she talked crazy to me and my friends when we first met her. Then, she gives Joey a music box and tells him to not open it just yet. And now, she's staring at me the whole night like if she wants to murder me or something. I was really starting to regret coming here, just a bit.

We all came back together as one big group, and saw a woman from a building balcony. Mortimer did say that his mom was the mayor, so that must've been her. As she was busy talking, I looked around the group and noticed something. "Hey, where's Matt and Ro?", I asked Nikita. "Still up on the Ferris wheel! Shh! Mortimer is going to introduce me to his mother, so keep it down.", she said as I just looked at her. Some friend she can be sometimes. However, what she told me really got me worried about Matt and Ro. Why were they still on top of the Ferris wheel? As the mayor kept on talking, I heard the weird woman before voice. "Where did you get that?", she asked Joey. She was talking about the music box in Joey's hand. "Calliope-", the mayor said. "Not today, Janet! Do you know what that is? That is one of the Carnival Master's wicked artifacts.", Calliope told Joey. This led me and the group into confusion. We honestly had no clue what she was talking about. "Excuse me, but what are you talking about?", I asked Calliope. "Oh please, don't mind her. She's gypsy trash, who lives on the other side of town.", the mayor said to her. Everyone found it as a roast, but I wasn't buying it. Maybe Calliope was on to something. Maybe she's not crazy at all. This started to question me about why did the clown lady give Joey that music box, and told him to not open it just yet. "Joey, maybe she's trying to tell us something.", I said as Joey looked at me like if I was crazy. "What? Genesis, come on now.", he said to me. "She's not lying. It's one of the artifacts.", Calliope said. I just want to know, what does she mean by artifacts? "It's just a toy! Just open it, and put this woman to rest.", the mayor said to Joey. However, I was actually scared for him. Because I remember what the clown lady told him. I didn't like this, not one bit. As Joey asked us what to do, he made his decision and opened it. As he turned the handle, the jack in the box came out, and we all screamed in fear. Because the jack had a knife in its head, and it glowed when it popped out.

Not just that, but there was horrifying screaming when it opened

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Not just that, but there was horrifying screaming when it opened. This made me think about what the clown lady said. I knew something is going to happen. I knew! "There! You see?", the mayor said. However, my friends did say that they heard screaming like me. "Nothing happened. Everything is fine. Just enjoy the carnival. Honestly, I- AHHH!!!!", the mayor said. But suddenly, she was picked up from behind, and thrown off the balcony. We all screamed in fright as Mortimer checked to see if his mother was all right. "Oh my god!", Manny said. "What the hell?! She just died!", the others said. I knew that something was going to happen. And speaking of something, we all heard more screaming. Only this time, there was also gun shots as well. I turned around, and saw that it was an invasion of killer clowns; with their leader, the clown lady that greeted us earlier.

My Confession: This honestly can't be happening! Now I know what Matt and Ro were trying to warn us about.

As I was horrified by the clowns hurting people, everyone in the group ran with Mortimer. However, I was in shock when I saw even more clowns. "GENESIS! COME ON!", Joey shouted at me. As I was still frozen, Teala grabbed my arm, and ran with me. Making me drop my camera and having it getting stepped on by one of the clowns. As we all ran to the arcade building with Mortimer, we all got in quickly. But Joey didn't make it; he was getting taken away by the clown lady. He screamed for help, as I couldn't believe my eyes. "JOEY! NO!", I shouted as I tried to go help him. But Manny wouldn't let me go.

My Confession: I'm not just going to sit here, and watch my best friend get killed by a group of clowns out there. I had an idea, but I wasn't ready for it.

I then got out of Manny's arms, and ran out the doors before they were closed. My friends screamed for me, but I ignored them. Once I got outside, I tried to find Joey. However, it was hard because so many people and clowns were in the way. Finally, I saw him getting taken to a van. As I ran to go save him, I was being chased by a group of clowns.

My Confession: I've done a lot of fighting while growing up, and I'm willing to fight a large group of clowns in order to save my friend.

As the clown tried to grab me, I kicked it in the face. Another clown came, and I punched it. I then ran, and was grabbed by the waist from another clown. Luckily I kicked the first one with my boots, and head smashed the other one to let me go. After that, I ran as fast as I could to the van.

My Confession: At this point, there's like a hundred clowns after me. And I'm trying my best to save Joey. But instead, I get taken by one of the clowns.

As I kept on running, I was grabbed by the waist again, and the clown wouldn't let me go. I struggled to get free, but he had me hang off on his shoulders. "AHHH!!!! SOMEONE! HELP ME!", I screamed as the clown ran to the van with me. Once we got there, he put me down and pushed me into the van; where he handcuffed me to a handle. And big surprise, Roi and Colleen were in here, too. "Go to the steering wheel!", the clown lady shouted at Joey. She was even holding him at gun point. "What are you doing to him?! Leave him alone!", I shouted at her while getting tears to go down my face. "Shut up! I'll make sure that your boyfriend is all comfortable!", she threatened me. I then began to cry, and looked away from what was happening. At least Roi was right next to me, so he could comfort me. "The Carnival Master will be released at sunrise, and this whole damn town is going to break! Hahahaha!!!!!", the clown lady said to Joey. I even heard him scream when she licked his face. This was not good at all. Now our only chance is to escape this van before something else happens.

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