Tears and a decision

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(Start at 0:05)
Bayley P.O.V
I looked at the two men in front of me that I've known for years. They had major smiles on there faces. "Bay, it's so good to see you!!" Randy stated. "Come in!" He moved out of the doorway so I could come in. Before I could say anything, I felt two arms around me from behind and pick me up. " my little hugger!" Big Show exclaimed. I missed these two so much. "Show!!" I exclaimed as he spun be around as Orton laughed. After a good 30 seconds, he put me down. I gave him a big hug which he returned. "What am I, chopped liver?" Randy said with a small pout on his face. I hurried over to him and have him a big hug to. " You know I love you Randy. " I told him. "Yeah. I know." He said as we let go. During our interaction, I actually had temporarily forgot about Sasha and Natalya. Once I remembered though I instantly frowned. They both quickly noticed too. There's no way to get anything last these boys.

Randy Orton P.O.V
I was so happy to see Bay. She means so much to me. I truly don t know where I'd be without her. I know Show feels the same. She makes my life a million times better! After I hugged her, I saw a frown on her face. I was shocked. "B, you okay?" Show asked Bay with worry in his voice, beating me to the punch. " I..... No... No I'm not. There's something I need to tell you guys. " She looked beyond sad and I also saw some anger as well. "What happened?!" I automatically asked. She tried to talk, but couldn't. I heard a broken sob come from her any instantly hugged her from the side, and sat her on the bench as Show put a hand on her shoulder. We both looked at each other before looking back at Bayley. After a few minutes, she had calmed down enough to talk to us. She started to have more tears come down her face after each thing she said. Sasha. Natalya. Two women who meant the world to her talking crap about her behind her back. I was pissed! Sasha's supposed to be her best friend, and Nattie like a mom figure of or older sister to her. I wanted to hunt them down and bring out the viper. I knew I couldnt though. I needed to be there for Bayley. I looked at Show and knew he felt the same. I'm pretty sure if he was allowed, he would willingly have a handicap match against them. I would to. We both held her. I knew I needed to help her right now. "Bay, you can't let her get away with that. I know she's your partner, the other tag champ, but you need to stand up to her." I told her in a very serious tone."She looked at me and I could tell that she understands that she needs to take Sasha down, but isn't sure if she can. "She's my tag team partner Randy. The other champion. My best friend... well I guess ex-best friend. What can I do? I can't just attack her. She holds the other title." She told me. "We get that B, but you're gonna have to. There's no rule saying you can't show her who's the real Boss though B. You have that segment later with her and the women's roster right? Do it then." Show said. I completely agreed with him. " It goes against storyline!" She exclaimed. I was about to speak when I heard " It won't now. " I turned around a was two of my bosses. Stephanie and Hunter.

Bayley P.O.V
I looked up and saw Hunter and Stephanie. I was shocked and confused when I realized what Steph said. I also thought we had closed the door fully, but I guess we didn't. "What do you mean?" I asked. " We had been headed this way when we overheard you're conversation. As much as I want you to hold on to that title, I know you need to stop being nice to Banks. I can't believe she said that. I especially can't believe Nattie agreed with her. " Stephanie stated as Hunter stood behind her agreeing. "Bayley, you're practically my daughter. I know that you need to deal with her, so you're gonna break script with our permission. You can take her down tonight during your segment but if you do that you will become a heel. I think you being a heel is perfect though." He told me. I was shocked. Attack Sasha, break script, lose my title, and turn hell? I couldn't believe it. Hunter is practically a father figure to me so I trust him 100%. He believes I can do this. I look at my boys and see theme give me looks of encouragement. I decided right them and there what I needed to do. I looked at Stephanie and Hunter. "So can I dye my hair with the heel turn? I mean I know I'll need new music and attire, but can I please change my hair to?" All four of them around me smiled proudly. Stephanie and Hunter looked at each other then stated together " whatever you want. " I
felt my face go from a smile to say smirk. I knew tonight's segment was gonna be a blast.

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