Chapter 13

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After their date Danny took Vicki back to the mall to get her car. Once she was safely inside her car he backed up to let her out first. Victoria drove home and Danny drove to Bianca's house to pick up Jullius.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Bianca asked him as she opened the door and he just walked on in without so much as an invite. "For one watch your damn mouth when you talking to me Bianca Smith. And I know I said I'd come get JuJu this weekend but I miss my little man so I'm getting him today. You can still have your little hoe ways I'm still not bringing him back until later next week, probably Wednesday afternoon. And besides my Momma wanna see her grandson." Danny said walking into the kitchen.

"Your Momma! Ugh I do not like rude ass women" she said stopping Danny in his tracks. "You better be lucky my Momma raised me right, I don't raise my hands to females but keep talking shit and I just might reconsider. I don't give a fuck who or what you do and do not like Bianca. That's my fucking Momma. Without her there would be no me, and without me there would be no Jullius Ja'Von Harris neither.

And for the record I don't care to deal with your trifling hoe ass neither, but for my child sake I try to be civilized with you. My Momma has never been rude towards you expect once and you asked for that. Anyway, point is you will, and I repeat, will respect my Momma. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, understood" he said raising his voice.

"Alright, alright, alright, fine" she said sitting down at the kitchen table. "Glad we have a clear understanding. Now where's my son?" Danny asked while going through the refrigerator. "Brian took him to the park for a while and then to the ice cream parlor with Jr and Samara.

That was like fourty-five minutes ago so they should be here by now. More importantly why the hell you going through my refrigerator Danny. Damn you don't live here and you damn sure not my fucking man" she said rolling her eyes.

"You real funny. Let's be clear cause I think you got the game fucked up, I bought this house, this in my name. Your brother go half on the bills with me, and we buy your food every month. So be grateful. And you right, I'm not your man, should've never been your damn man. I didn't know you were a hoe until it was to late. If it wasn't for my seed you would be dead to me bruh, and I put that on my Momma life and that's real.

I ain't throwing it your face though Bianca, cause that's childish and petty I'm just saying." Danny said while putting grapes in a bowl and walking to the living room, not even giving her a chance to reply.

Before she could say anything the front door opened. "Da-Da" little Jullius yelled seeing his Father. Danny got up and took Jullius from Brian, "what's up man" he said giving Brian dap. "Nothing much man just came to chill with my nephew for a minute" Brian said while putting JuJu bag down on the couch before hugging his sister.


Brian is Bianca's older brother. They were originally from Mississippi, but after their father shot and killed their mother and then himself when she was 15, and he was turning 18 in a week, they were sent to live with their grandmother in Atlanta. Brian met Danny first because he decided to hustle for quick money because their grandmother could barely support herself yet along her grandchildren just off her social security check.

Danny was the one to introduce him to the streets and show him the ropes. He had a lot of respect for Danny because he always had his back. So when Bianca showed interest in him, he was cool with it. Danny was a little older but he saw no harm in them seeing one another.

At the time Brian and his girlfriend Samara had a 2 month old son, Brian Shamar Smith Jr. Brian was definitely hustling more. He had recently moved and was supporting his little family, as well as his Bianca and their sick grandmother. When he found out how his sister not only cheated on Danny, but cheated with a guy from their rival gang he was furious, and to this day has never honestly forgiven her. He only deals with her because of his nephew and he does love her, he just hates her ways.

When Brian Jr. turned 5 thats when Bianca showed up to Danny doorstep after the birthday party saying she was pregnant. Danny couldn't stand her, hated looking at her. Despite how he felt towards her, she was pregnant, he got her a 4 bedroom house, paid the bills, bought her food, and was at every doctor's appointment. When she was 8 months she decoded to tell Danny she didn't know of he was the Father. Brian already knew but kept quiet, it wasn't his place room tell Danny.

Bianca begged Danny not to get a DNA test because she secretly feared he wasn't the Father. Danny told her he didn't care what she wanted, cause she didn't mind opening up her legs to people. He asked how many men could've been the Father. He had intentions on trying to forgive her and having a family, but when she told him there was a possibility that 5 different men could be the Father, he quickly changed his mind.

Brian was glad to know that Danny was JuJu's Father. Even though he knew Danny hated Bianca for her actions, he also knew that Danny would never deny his own flesh and blood. That even with the fucked up situation at hand, Danny would be there and take care of his responsibilities. And that he has, since day one.

*flashback over*

"Well I gotta get going y'all. Samara ole fat ass talking about she hungry, even though we literally just ate not even two hours ago. Pray for me man. I don't know how I'm going to make it the next 6 1/2 months till the twins arrive." Brian said while walking to the door saying goodbye to everybody. Soon Danny told JuJu to say goodnight to his Mother so they could leave.

And with that they were out the door. Danny only took Jullius. Bianca was well aware that Danny had plenty diapers, wipes, food, clothes, and shoes for Jullius at his house. Since Jullius birth when ever he took Jullius for a day or so he never took a car seat nor diaper bag. He kept his house, Bianca house, and mother's house stocked with everything JuJu needed.

Danny put Jullius in his seat and jogged around to the driver side to get in. He talked to Jullius as he drove and every once and a while Jullius would speak baby talk back as if he knew what Danny was saying. Jullius couldn't speak in complete sentences but he could tell you what he wanted for the most part.

He could say a few words, and knew a few colors and shapes, thanks to Danny and his Mother, Viviane. On his way home he decides to go to his mom's house instead. "I'm hungry, and too lazy to cook tonight plus she gets to see her two handsome men. We should go see granny V and make her day, ain't that right Ju" he said looking in the rear view mirror to a giggling Jullius.

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