Chapter 21

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Victoria woke up a little sore but smiled when she remembered the events between her and Danny. She got got up thinking he was in the living room, but he wasn't.

She checked the guest room, again he wasn't there. She checked the other bedroom downstairs, the balcony, the kitchen, but there was no sign of him.

"What the fuck" she yelled out in frustration. She had checked her entire place with no trace of him. And she knew he was gone because his keys weren't in the bowl by the front door were he always kept them and his shoes were gone.

She didn't see a note and didn't see a missed call or text from him and instantly got pissed off. She thought the worst had happened. "I thought he was different. Guess I'm just another good fuck for him" she said sitting down on the bed beginning to cry.

Within the last few months she had fallen hard for him she was so sure that he was different from all the other guys, but now she didn't know how to feel. She wanted to call but decided to just text him instead.


I cannot fucking believe you Danny Ja'Von Harris. I really thought you were different but you're not. You used me. You fucking used me you bastard. You showed me attention for a while and acted like you gave a flying fuck about little ole me and as soon as you got what you wanted you dipped  out on me. You're such a fucking coward ass liar and a dog, you could've just told me to my face, instead of creeping out my crib. I should've never gave you the time of day. I see I was just another one the females you "fuck and duck" huh? It don't matter, I never wanna see your face again, fuck you. Have a nice life, asshole.

She was so caught up in the message she didn't even hear her front door open and close.

"Good morning sleepy head" Danny said walked closer and kissing her forehead. She jumped so hard she pressed send. His phone rung in his pocket signaling he had a message. "Danny, where did you go?" She asked trying to distract him and keep him from looking at his phone.

"You was sleeping so peaceful, and I'm too tired to cook so I went to iHop and got your favorite. A meat lovers omelet with extra salsa, and strawberry banana pancakes, with whipped cream on the side!" Danny said smiling at her. "Awwwe baby, that's so sweet of you, thanks pookie bear!" She squealed, calling him the nickname she had given him.

"I told you that damn nickname gay as fuck man, but you're welcome." He said kissing her forehead.

"No it's not, it's cute" she said walking into her bathroom to brush her teeth before eating. She had gotten so caught up in the fact he had done something so thoughtful for her, that she forgot that she had fucked up and sent him the message.

When she walked back in the bedroom she saw the angry look on his face and it was then she realized what she had done. "Yo, what the fuck is this bullshit Victoria bruh. You really think I'd do some slick ass grimy shit like that to you man? I been telling yo ass from day one, day fucking one, I knew you were different, so I had to be different. It's time I grew up and settled down for me and for Jullius, and you was the only woman to make me believe in that. And you text me bullshit like this. Why the fuck would I spend all that money on you just to fuck. I can fuck any bitch I want for free. I did what I did for you to show I actually did give a fuck. But whatever man, I'm out, enjoy your breakfast" he said standing up walking out of her bedroom and walking down the stairs to her front door.

"Danny stop, please. I just - I don't know. You weren't here and I panicked, I thought you didn't care. I'm so sorry, please let's just talk about it." She pleaded with him while holding onto his arm.

When he turned around and faced her the look of nothing but pure hatred, anger, and disgust was written all over his face. "Let me go man" he said between his teeth angrily. She had never seen his eyes look so dark and cold ; she released his arm as a tears streamed down her face. "Baby" she whispered to him. He took off his key that she gave him and sat it on the table by the door. "You don't wanna see me right? Fuck me right? Ima dog too right" he chuckled lowly staring at her in her eyes. "Keep the shit I bought, bye Victoria" he said before slamming the door shut and walking off.


Soooooo, how do you guys feel about this chapter?

Did you think Vicki-Boo over react? Or do you think Danny over reacted? Why or why not?

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