Chapter 23

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"Sam?" Michelle said looking between both Sam and Victoria, "you - you're my blind date?" Michelle said looking at him. "Yes, I'm supposed to be, but, if you don't want to then we don't have to" he responded with a little sadness in his voice.

"Oh no, it's not that, I'd love to go out with you. Can you give us just one second, we'll be right back, I need her help with something." Michelle said holding Victoria's hand. "Yeah, sure" he said smiling at the girls. Michelle flashed him a smile and took Victoria down the hall to one of the the first bedrooms and closed the door. "Michelle what the actual hell?" Victoria whisper yelled at her. "Why didn't you tell me that my date was doing to be Sam Wilson?" she whispered. "Well usually that's how a blind date works dummy. Why are you mad, you know him, so you know he's sweet, intelligent, kind, you'll have fun with him, and you'll be safe, so what's the problem?" Victoria asked her confused.

"Well there isn't a problem per say. I've actually had a crush on Sam since like last year" Michelle said sitting down on the bed.

"Shelly were best friend we know everything about each other. And when I say everything I mean everything, from secretes, to when each other time of the month is, things we've done that we'll never repeat to anybody, but why did you not tell me about this?" Victoria asked her still standing up. "I don't know Vick. I thought we could never be together. Sam is just so well put together, and I'm just now finding myself honestly. I'm just now starting to love myself. And I have a lot of baggage. He deserve somebody better than me, somebody like you, I thought" she said on the verge of tears.

Victoria walked out of the room to the bathroom across the hall and grabbed a some tissue. "Michelle for one thing, I am no better them you are. Your baggage does not define who you are as a person. We all come with a little baggage, but you have to find somebody willing to accept your baggage, and I know for sure that person is Samuel.

You're not perfect, and he's not either. Shelly nobody on this green earth is perfect baby. Trust me when I tell you, he will not judge you. But I recommend you tell him, that is if you two decide to date. When we went out, I learned a lot about Sam I didn't know, you'd be surprised what that man has endured. He's so amazing and strong, especially for his grandmother. There's no doubt in my mind that he is the man for you.

You just need to believe in yourself and give him a chance to show you. See the reason I set you too up is because ... well, I'll let him tell you, now clean your eyes, and go out and have some fun boo, okay. And we'll talk about it when you get back" Victoria said standing up.

Michelle shook her head agreeing and after checking her face in the mirror in the room walked back into the living room where Sam was sitting waiting patiently.

"All ready" Michelle said smiling at him. "Okay, see you later Vicki, thanks again" Sam said holding Michelle hands and walking towards the door. "Bye you two, have fun" she called out to them as they closed the front door. Victoria walked to her room and picked up her phone, still no calls or messages from Danny. Somehow she felt slightly empty without communication with him and she didn't like it, but she needed to give him some time.

(Meanwhile ...)

"Michelle were you mad that I was your date, you two kind of scurried off to the back" Sam said looking over to Michelle then putting his eyes back on the road.

"No, it wasn't that at all. I was shocked actually." She said looking at him. "Why is that?" He asked her. "Because I know you seemed to want Victoria so bad and you two even went out a few months ago, so I didn't think you would want to be bothered with the likes of me." Michelle said as they pulled up to the restaurant. "The likes of you? Man you're funny Michelle. Look, yes I went out with Victoria but is was only a friendly date that's all, nothing more and nothing less.

To be honest, I've always had a crush on you but I thought I was out of your league honestly. I only went out with her to show here a nice time, show here she deserve a better man than Nicholas. I see how he broke her, and I just don't want to see her back with him. My intentions weren't to start a relationship. We discussed all of that afterwards, and I told her everything, she wasn't mad, she understood and thought it was sweet, that's when I told her how I felt about you! Now my grandmother on the other hand loves her and secretly wants me to marry her, that's only because she's the only female that's ever been nice to me and my grandmother. But I told her how I felt about you and she said you sound sweet. I just hope you understand why I had to take her out, and I hope you give me a chance" he said looking her in her eyes.

"Wow. I had no idea Sam. But I've had a small crush on you too for quite some time, this was the one and only thing I've never told Vicki. So I'm happy Victoria set us up" she said smiling. "See it's fate" he said as they both laughed.

Michelle and Sam went inside the restaurant and had an amazing time. Sam told her all about his mother and how he ended up living with his grandmother Mildred. He told her how his mother died and how he felt about the entire situation. He told her his future and short term goals in life and what he wanted to do after graduation next month.

Michelle told him about her father, the little she knew about him that is. She told him all about her twin brother and sister, her mother, plans after graduation and her amazing bond with Victoria. They both shared so much about them selves that night. There was only one thing that Michelle didn't tell him, but she decided it wasn't the best time to tell him.

After the date Sam took her to the beach to walk around and just talk a little more. They really hit it off and bonded. They decided to start a relationship!

When Michelle got back to Victoria's place Sam walked her inside and kissed her cheek goodnight. Michelle was on cloud nine and ran upstairs to Victoria's room to tell her, only to find her sound asleep. "I guess I'll tell you in the morning." She thought to herself before going downstairs to shower so she wouldn't wake Vicki and crawled into bed with her best friend. "Goodnight hunn!" She whispered before falling asleep.




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