Chapter 25

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As they all sat enjoying one another's company and having fun Viviane couldn't help but to tear up. She took Mark and Melinda in years ago after their mother died in a car crash, even before her death, she considered them her other children.

Mark and Melinda knew nothing about their father, due to the fact that Mark was so young and Melinda wasn't even one yet. The only thing Mark remembered was that their father was extremely abusive with their mother. He would either be sloppy drunk, or annoyed with work and take his frustrations out on their mother, Mariah.

Once Melinda turned five Mariah decided enough was enough. She was tired of being Melvin's personal punching bag, she was sick and tired of being sick and tired. One night after Melvin passed out drunk she quickly packed one suitcase full of her and the children's clothes and ran away, and ended up in Atlanta, where she met Viviane at the grocery store. 

From that day forward they became best friends. She always told Viviane if anything happened to her to take care of her babies, and never ever let their father get them. Vivian agreed and they even had legal documentation stating Viviane would have full custody.

Melvin was murdered a few years ago, but neither Mark or Melinda attend the service. Police said that he was drunk and started a shoot out with police, killing three officers, and injuring one. Mark had honestly grown numb, he didn't care that his 'sperm donor'  was dead. Even though Mark didn't talk about the situation nor try to make Melinda feel a certain way, as she grew up and understood, she hated Melvin's guts for what he did, but she was happy because her mom was able to get away and made sure that her children were going to be taken care of. In Mark and Melinda eyes, they had two parents, Mariah who was now their guardian angel, and Viviane who so courageously and wholeheartedly had taken the and treated them as her very own. What was so crazy is that even though Mark doesn't recall his father ever coming to look for them Viviane distinctly remembes Melvin showing up at her door step one time years ago.


Knock Knock. "What the hell it's 2am I know damn well this better be Jesus banging on my door at this time of the morning" Viviane said walking down the stairs. Viviane was no softly female, not by a long shot, she grabbed her gun before  going to open her front door.

Bang Bang! "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who is it?" She called cocking her gun back, ready for whatever to protect her family. "Melvin, Melvin Evans." He didn't have to say anything else because Viviane was well aware of who he was. He showed up before Mariah's death drunk and Viviane had to call the police on him for trying to kidnap the kids. Although she was hesitant, she decided to go ahead and open the door.

"Melvin what the fuck do you want at this time of the morning?" She asked as she let him inside because it was extremely cold out.

"I came to get my bastards, so pack they shit so I can head back. I don't have time to play games with you so hurry the fuck up." He said coldly.

You really done lost yo got damn mind coming up in my house with your bullshit. It's too early in the morning for all this. For one, they aren't bastards, only bastard I see is you. Secondly they not going no damn where and you know that, don't act brand new Melvin. I'm going to let you off easy this tome but come back with some bullshit and I will not hesitate to put your trifling bitch ass in a body bag. You will not see those kids nor ever have them, do you understand me? Now, get the fuck out of my damn house." She yelled getting pissed off.

Melvin sat there and laughed. "Bitch if you don't get -" he began yelling standing up but she shot him in the arm.

"Only bitch present is your dead beat ass. Maybe you didn't hear me, or mauve your stupid ass is just illiterate. I said get the fuck out. I missed on purpose, try some slick shit and the next bullet is going in your skull, try me." She said opening her front door.

"It ain't even that serious ma. You shoot me over some snotty nose ass bastards that ain't even yours? You know what keep them mutha fuckers. I  don't want they asses no way." He said walking out the door.

*flashback over*

That was the last time she saw him and she was glad. Mark heard the commotion as came down just as Viviane was closing the door. She explained to him what happened, seeing as how he was sixteen so he could handle it, and it brushed it off.

He could care less about Melvin. To him, he had no father, and he was just fine not having one, he had his baby sister, Danny, and his other mom Viviane and that's all he needed in this fucked up world we live in.

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