Chapter 32

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"Fuck" he screamed driving to the mall. "Hey Ashley, Vicki made it here?" He asked her walking inside the boutique. "Yeah, in my office, go ahead" she replied pointing to the back. "Thanks he said running towards the door.

"Danny get the fuck out" she said brushing past him as he grabbed her arms and closed the door putting down the bag that was in his hand.

"Look, let me finish ma. I know it was sounding bad but she didn't touch me, I swear on Jullius life she didn't. I stopped her and we got into it. She was begging and shit talking about she loved me, was sorry for the past, and wanted more kids. I told her I do want kids but not with her, but with somebody that I loved somebody that was real and genuine, like you. Baby I believe in you and me, I swear I do. Ima make you Mrs. Victoria Renea Scott -Harris one day, just watch! When she called you out your name, I swear I saw red, ion like that disrespectful shit man, especially when she don't even know you, she just salty because you own what she wants. Ma, you gotta stop just jumping to conclusions fareal, you gotta trust me man. I'm not trying to hurt you. Okay?" He said looking at her in her eyes as tears started to form.

"I know I need to trust you, I do, I just don't trust her. But I know as long as I'm apart of your life, so is she because she's Jullius mother, and I will respect that, as long as she don't try you again, then ima have to say something. I'm sorry for storming out like that, I just, you said sorry then she unzipped your wants in the same sentence so I assumed she did it. But Danny I'm scared, how can I compete with her, she has your child. As much as I believe in us too, she has something I could never compete with." She said as she looked at him.

"Vicki, I flower doesn't grow thinking about being prettier than the flowers around it, it simply grows.

In other words, don't worry about her ma, you are in competition with nobody. Do you understand me? I do not want Bianca or any other girl, I have exactly who I want and need, and that's you" he said as tears began to run down her cheeks.

He whipped the tears as she nodded her head as he kisses her lips. "Now stop crying, you too beautiful for all that. I know you wanted Panda Express but it was way too many people, so I got you subway instead with your favorite drink and a bag of chips." He said as she laughed. They ate and just talked the rest of her lunch break. When they finished she kissed him and he went on his way while she went back to work to finished her shift.

(Later that night)

Victoria went home and took a long shower and just relaxed watching tv tired. She wanted to cuddle under Danny but he was working tonight.

She fell asleep and ended up waking up at 2am to get a bottle of water and couldn't sleep so she decided to call Danny. After about three rings he answered the phone. "Hello?" He answered in a handsome low groggy tone.

"Hey baby" she said smiling at how sexy he sounded.

"It's 2:02 in the morning, are you okay?" He asked her. "Yeah, just can't sleep and decided to see if you were up, I'm sorry for waking you up" she said lowly.

"No, you good ma. I'm up, we can talk. What's on your mind?" He asked her turning on his tv to keep him awake, truth was he had just got home and fell asleep not even an hour and a half ago but for her, he'd wake up. "Nothing really is on my mind, ughm can we play 21 questions" she asked him excitedly. "Man Vicki, the fuck, really 21 questions, how old are you?" He asked her laughing. "Baby" she whined, "okay, go" he said laughing at her pouting about playing this childish ass game.

"One, what is your longest relationship?" She asked him. "Ughm, like a few months, less than 5 I know that" he responded.

"I know you had a miscarriage, do you want kids one day?" He asked her. "Yes, although I'm afraid to try again, I do want to have a child, but with the right person of course, and hopefully after marriage." He smiles at her response, he was hoping she did. Not right now, but one day.

"Who taught you how to cook cause you be throwing down" she asked him laughing. "Well my grandmother and mom always told me even though a way to a man's heart was food, the way to make a woman smile is a handsome man that can take charge in the kitchen sometimes while she relax. They taught me a lot, well taught me, Mark, and Melinda" he replied.

"What is your major in school?" He asked her. "I'm going to school to be a CNA, but I also have a degree in business management." She responded.

"Sexy, talented, hard working, independent, and educated! I like that shit!" He said as they both laughed.

"Crazy ass. My turn! Ughm, how many sexual partners have you had?" She asked him bitting her nails. "Honestly a few, more than 10 but less than 15 and I used a rubber every time, and get checked all the time, I can show you my papers if you want" he responded seriously.

"No, I trust you, I actually thought you was going to say like 40 or some shit" she said laughing.

"Damn, I ain't no hoe or nothing baby. But how many have you slept with?" He asked her.

"Three. Two boyfriends and one girlfriend." She said.

"Wait, did you say girl?" He asked her shocked. "Yes, a girl. We were in a relationship. I was, well am bisexual." She responded.

"Why did y'all break up" he asked her. "She still had feelings for her ex, there weren't any hard feelings, I see her from time to time, she cool people. After her is when I met Nick." She said as her voice trailed off.

"Anyway, my turn. Did you go to college?" She asked him yawning. "Yes, I did, I actually have a major in business management. I plan on opening up a business one of these days." He responded yawning as well.

Before he could even say anything back she was yawning and getting sleepy. She soon fell asleep as he smiled, even though she woke him up, she was worth it. He let her sleep a little longer just to make sure she was actually sleep.

"Goodnight baby" he said hanging up the phone, putting it on the charger and laying back down, now it was he who couldn't sleep, he just sat watching tv until his eyes got heavy.

A Deadly Love Triangle Part I.Where stories live. Discover now