Chapter 15

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Victoria woke up to her alarm blaring through her ear. "Guess I fell asleep on the phone" she said stretching turning off the alarm. She got up and went to take a shower. While in the shower all she could think about was her picnic with Danny and how it felt so perfect and well put together.

Although she was hoping he had been the person behind the mysterious weekly gifts she was still shocked at how much she liked him already. She didn't want to jump the Veronica or rush into a relationship but it just seemed so right with him.

Just to be sure they agreed to just 'date' for an entire month before making it official. Before she could think any further her phone was buzzing signaling a text message.

Danny: Good morning. Have a good day today. Remember, smile, you look better that way. See you later on. Oh and btw your little snore is adorable lol!

She read the message aloud and couldn't help the grin that had crept across her face. "Oh yes, my day has officially been made!" She thought to herself going to make herself some breakfast. After making herself some toast, bacon, cheese grits, and scrambled eggs she got dressed and headed for work.

At work everybody asked Vicki how her date went and she gladly told everybody how sweet it was and how she had an amazing time with him. On her lunch break she went to her parents house and ate lunch with them and just talked.

"So how has daddy's princess been?" Larry asked. "I've been really good dad. For once, Nick has finally stopped bothering me, work is good, school is great, and I met somebody"

She said biting her bottom lip. Her parents both gave each other a look and her mom spoke first. "Met somebody? I thought you didn't want to date for a while sweetie" Gina said passing Victoria her plate she had just made for her.

"Yes, I know. But it's been like eight months, he moved on before we were even over, at least I took some time. I am finally comfortable in a space to move on. Besides, we aren't dating yet"

She said taking a sip of her sweet tea.."Yet?" Larry asked her eating some of his salad. "Yes, dad, yet. I told him I want to take it slow. He knows about by relationship with Nicholas. He agreed we should date for a month, you know go out, get to know each other and after that month, we'll see where it goes" she said smiling.

"Well darling, you're right it's been a while since your breakup. You're a grown responsible woman. So we trust your judgement. Once you two decided if you want to be in a relationship or not we would love to meet him" her mother said, and her father shook his head in agreement.

*later that night*

Victoria showers and calls Danny. She decides to cook for him. When Danny arrives she isn't done cooking yet, he tries to help but she pushes him out of the kitchen and tells him to watch tv or something until she's done. She places the food on the table and he comes over and his mouth drops. Victoria prepared fried chicken, baked macaroni and cheese, rice and gravy, cabbage, sweet cornbread, and yams.

She laughed as she saw the look on his face, she fixed his plate, they said grace and ate. Danny was surprised because the only woman that ever cooked for him was his grandmother and his mother.

He never had a girlfriend to cook for him. Yes, granted he agreed to see each other for a month before making anything official, he already knew that Victoria would be his. He had no doubt in his mind at all.

Danny had already decided that no matter what, he would do everything in his power to make sure he made Victoria feel like the queen she truly is.

(One month later …)

It was Jullius first birthday and Danny went all out on his son's gifts. He didn't want to deal with Bianca but he'd do anything for his child so he had to suck it up.

Even though Danny and Victoria weren't official yet he invited her to the party and introduced her as his girlfriend to Brian and a few of his friends. He could tell that Bianca was uncomfortable and upset but he really didn't care. Victoria was in break at work when she stopped by to drop off Jullius gift and he was taking a nap while they set up, so she just kissed Danny's cheek and headed back to work before meeting Bianca or Jullius.

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