Chapter 43

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When Danny saw Nick on top of Victoria taking her pants off of her as she was clearly unconscious all he saw was red. He had been wanting to get to Nick for the longest, but he promised Victoria that he would just let it go. Yeah, he promised but the circumstances were different now.

Nick was going to die, he was going to pay for hurting Victoria.

"You sick, delusional, ignorant ass bastard" Danny yelled slamming Nick's body into the wall behind them. Nick swung and hit Danny hard but he was raised 'show no hurt, show no mercy, & show no fear' and that's exactly what he was doing. "Bitch, I told you to stay away from my woman" Danny said punching Nick in the face. "I told you she mines, that pussy belongs to me" Nick spat, taking a swing at Danny but missing.

Danny tripped him up and got on top of him punching him repeatedly, slamming his head against the floor, there was blood everywhere.

"Danny, stop before you kill him, we need to follow Vicki to the hospital, and the cops are coming in" Viviane said coming into the bathroom.

"Alright everybody, hands up" the officers said coming in.

"Fuck" Danny grunted standing up with his hands locked behind his head. They put Danny, Sam, Mark, and Nick in handcuffs as a paramedic treated Danny and Nick for their cuts and bruises before they were both taken and put in separate police cars.

Once they all were at the precinct, they were put in separate rooms and questioned. Sam and Mark were both let go because they had nothing to do with it and the stories matched. Once a few witnesses gave a statement on what they saw, and after everybody's statement was the same except Nick's they let Danny go as well.

He went straight to the hospital to see Victoria. She had a black eye, and a fractured leg, other than that she was okay, just worried sick about Danny.

"Baby" she said waking up realizing he had fallen asleep in the chair next to her holding her hand. She began rubbing the back if his head and he woke up seeing as he wasn't a hard sleeper unless he was really tired.

"How you feeling?" Danny asked her standing up, kissing her cheek. "I'm okay, they said I can go later tonight. The police came by and I got a restraining order against Nick." She said looking into his eyes. "Vicki, did he -" he began saying before she cut him off. "No, baby, he didn't. He tried to make me kiss him, when I bit him he punched me and slapped me, that's how I fell. I remember hearing the door burst open, and then I woke up in here" she said getting teary eyed as he kissed her lips.

"I'm not going on that business trip" Danny said breaking the silence.

"Why" she asked him turning down the tv. After everything that's happened today, I need to be here with you, if something happened, I don't know what I would do. Victoria, man I -" he was saying as she cut his words off. "Baby, go, you have business to take care of, I'll be fine, nothing will happen, other than me missing you, I promise" she said trying to reassure him.

"I don't want you home alone okay" Danny said looking at Victoria to let her know that he was serious. She agreed and it was settled that while Danny went out of town on a business trip that Melinda and Viviane would move in with Victoria and Jullius until Danny came back to town.

After a few hours Victoria was released and on her way home.

Danny's POV (one week later … )

Danny, Mark, and Brian are in Miami looking at a warehouse. They've slowly been taking over Miami. Since being there Danny has talked to Victoria every morning and every night. Danny couldn't believe it but he was feeling extremely homesick. He missed going to sleep in her arms, waking up to her cooking breakfast, seeing the love in her eyes when she interacted with Jullius, and the huge smile in Jullius face whenever Victoria was near. He wanted so badly to just board a plane and go back home, but he had to do what he had to do to finally leave this life behind him. Not only was he missing her like never before, on this little trip, he realized that he was in love, him of all people, was madly in love and he wanted the whole world to know. He told Viviane a few months ago he might love her, and Viviane assured him, that what he was experiencing and feeling was without a doubt, definitely love.

A Deadly Love Triangle Part I.Where stories live. Discover now