Chapter 24

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(Danny's POV)

It's been two days since the whole argument with Victoria and he honestly missed her but refused to admit it let alone speak to her. He felt like he had done everything right. He was being faithful, he was soiling her, he was even spending quality time with her, yet she still seemed to not trust him.

He decided to get a woman's perspective about the situation, so he drove over to Viviane's house.

"Ma?" He yelled walking through the front door. "I'm in the kitchen baby" she said back to him. He walked into the kitchen to find her preparing lunch. "Hey my baby" she said while reaching up to hug him. "Hi momma" he responded dryly. "Uh oh. What's the matter pumpkin?" She asked him putting the food into the oven. "Well it's women issues to be honest" he answered her looking down at his phone.

"Yo ma, Danny" Mark yelled coming through the front door. "In the kitchen boopie" she yelled calling him the nickname she had been calling him for years.

"Hey my babies! Where's my princess?" She asked referring to Mark's little sister, Melinda. "Right here momma, I just pulled up, sorry I'm late, I got caught up at work, then stopped to get gas. But I got the strawberries that you asked for." She said giving Viviane a hug.

"I'm so happy all my babies are here. I missed you guys. I see my princess everyday, cause she lives here but you two guys are too busy for your momma." She said looking at Danny and Mark. "No we're not. We just get caught up that's all, but we always call and check on our ladies" Mark said smiling at Viviane. "You always were a little charmer" she said laughing.

"Now back to you, pumpkin, what happened with Victoria?" She asked giving him the evil eye.

"I know what y'all thinking, and no I didn't cheat on her. That's my baby man." He said and Viviane and Melinda cooed at him. They had never heard him say that about a girl before, or even date a female for this long, not after Bianca anyway, so for him, this was a big step. "You too are so extra, but anyway. I sent her and her best friend, Michelle on a shopping spree and spa date together, all on me. Then I had a limo take us to the beach for a candle lit diner, just us two. Then we went back to her place and watched movies until we fell asleep. She woke a nigga up, and y'all know I hate being woken up, but for what she had planned, I didn't mind, if ya know what I mean" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"My boy! You put her to sleep man?" Mark asked him. "Y'all are nasty" Melinda said laughing at the two of them. "Lord, my children" Viviane said laughing.

"Anyway. Yes it was great. But it wasn't like anything I've ever had. I think we actually made love. And I liked it. But the problem happened the next morning, I got up to go get her something to eat, since she was knocked out I figured I could come back before she woke up, but I thought wrong. She text me going off about how I just tried to dog her out. But ma, I didn't I swear. And I just got so mad, I walked out and that was two days ago. I'm still mad but I miss that girl man.

Her little short ass. She so different, she's so special. She even went so far as to buy me and JuJu gifts while she was on her little shopping spree."

They sat and talked about why Danny shouldn't have reacted the way he did. Viviane explained that due to Victoria's background she may possibly have some insecurities when it comes to men.

Melinda told him that clearly he cares about her because he waited until she was ready for sex, and she cares for him too if she felt comfortable to let him in and so he should go get his woman. Mark told him that he never seen his brother give two fucks about a female until now, so listen to their mother and Melinda and talk to Victoria.

They all ate, sat around and played bored games with one another. Viviane missed these times with her three big babies. Plus with Melinda graduating high school this year and going off for college she wanted to spend every minute she could with them.

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