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"Oh?" Taehyung said, looking at him with knitted eyebrows and a distrustful look in his eyes.

Jungkook was suddenly urged by his survival instinct to never, get on this boy's bad side.

"Come then, let's talk anywhere that isn't infested with paint fumes." He added after staring down at the other for a few seconds

He unclasped his mask, throwing it on the floor and slipping black birkenstocks on, taking his keys and walking out with Jungkook -who was honetly amused and surprised at this boy's nonchalance-  locking his door and walking down to the elevators.

On their way there, Jungkook felt extremely awkward, and hoped the elevator ride would be less of a torture than he was anticipating.

"so?" Taehyung asked as he ran a hand through his red hair, turning around to Jungkook  as they went down to the ground floor.

The younger thanked him in his mind for starting a conversation.

"You know Jung Hoseok right?" He asked, not beating around the bush.

Taehyung visibly stiffened, but seemed like he tried to hide it.

"Yeah i've heard the name." He chuckled bitterly, thinking of the countless times Jimin had praised the said dancer.

"Well, I think Jimin is falling a little too hard for him." Jungkook says, looking up at the blue sky as they strolled on the campus grounds.

Taehyung only hummed.

"Hoseok, he... he looks like he only wants sex you know... I'm scared this whole thing will end really badly for Jimin..."

"That's very considerate of you and all, but what does that have to do with me exactly?" Taehyung asked, making Jungkook surprised at his lack of interest for his best friend.

"Well, i tried talking about it to Jimin but he doesn't want to listen, i was thinking that because you're his best friend, he'll listen more."

The older sighed, because as much as he agreed with Jungkook and wanted to tell Jimin to get away from Hoseok, he felt that if he were to, he would be doing it more from himself than for Jimin.

As much as he wanted to protect Jimin, he didn't want to keep him away from relationships and potential happiness, just because he was so crazily in love with him.

"I don't know Jungkook... i don't really know Hoseok, i can't just start preventing Jimin from seeing him if i've never even met the guy." He said.

Jungkook nodded, poking his tongue at his cheek, frustrated that his plan hadn't worked but at the same time grateful it got him to meat Taehyung, who honestly seemed like a pretty decent guy.

Looking away from his red hair and running a hand through his own black locks he mumbled a few words, though Taehyung heard them loud and clear.

"Trust me, that dude has no feelings for Jimin, he just wants to get in his pants."


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