forty first

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Jimin's entire body hurt, but his backside was really killing him.

Hoseok had left right after their intercourse, only taking a shower before leaving with a quick "Thanks, that was a nice fuck."

He felt humiliated and even the slightest bit depressed.

Because his crush had completely ignored his feelings when he had told him he liked him, the older had only continuing fucking him mercilessly.

But also because, being the cheesy romantic he was, he had thought the boy would have been gentle like Taehyung had been, and just more respectful overall.

It seemed Jungkook and Taehyung were right, he really did only want him for the sex.

Now, he felt like he had no one, too ashamed to go to Taehyung after not listening to him, because even though he didn't look like it, he could be very stubborn and sometimes let his pride get in the way of thing, and not wanting to go to Jungkook after their fight.

Instead, he just called the only person he new was free at the moment.

"Yoongi-hyung? Can you come over please?"


thank you so much for all your sweet comments :)

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