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Taehyung hadn't really slept that well, his mind was swermend with fragments of his conversation with Jungkook, and it had kept him awake, until he had gotten up from his bed to go join Jimin in his own, the cuddly boy not protesting one bit.

"It's like one in the morning." he had only growled, lifting the covers up to let Taehyung in.

He had chuckled and gotten into the soft warmth of Jimin's bed, than encircling his smaller best friend with an arm over his shoulders.

"What's up?" Jimin had than asked, his voice dripping with sleep.

"Nothing Jimin-ah, go back to sleep." Taehyung had answered with a comforting smile, running a hand through Jimin's blue hair as to calm him back into sleep.

But he himself hadn't found the comfort of his dreams that night until a couple of hours later, the clock ticking towards four in the morning, and knowing he had woken up at eight for his morning class at nine...

Though he was fueled in caffeine, it didn't suffise to make him look even half awake.

Sitting at his desk before the professor walked in, he was a literal piece of trash, a large red sweater matching his hair and a pair of light washed jeans, a little too large for him, completely bent over in fatigue and large dark circles under his eyes, glasses low on his nose.

"Hey Taehyung!" A voice chimed next to him, accompanied with the sound of a computer being placed on a table and a bag on the floor.

"Morning Lalisa." He mumbled, taking a sip of the black coffee that filled his termostat, frowning at the bitter taste.

"Wow," She laughed, sitting next to him, "someone didn't get their beauty sleep."

He chuckled next to her, running a hand under his classes to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"I had like four hours of sleep yesterday." He chuckled, laughing at his own misery."

She cocked a brow, facing him as she rested her face on the palm of her hand, her long blond dyed hair falling down her shoulder almost to the small of her back, some silky strands pooling on the table next to her elbow.

"What kept you up so late?" she asked, her red lips curving in an amused smile, Taehyung thought her red lipstick suited her quite well.

"My thoughts." he answered, sighing in despair as the professor walked into the large room, urging the students that had been chatting around back to their seats.

"Are you going to the studio later?" She asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she opened her laptop, looking at the screen as she whispered her question.

Taehyung waited for the professor to turn around to the board, taking a sip from his coffee and answered her with a small hum, nodding his head.

She smiled and nodded as well, typing in her password with the tips of her long and thin fingers.

"Wanna get lunch later?" She whispered yet again, leaning over to his side a little, him doing so as well to hear her better.

He shook his head.

"Sorry, i have a lunch date with my best friend." He smiled.

She nodded, concentrating on the lesson, Taehyung doing so as well.


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