forty second

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"What the hell happened to you?" The ravenette immediately asked as he saw Jimin.

The boy looked ruined, his eyes puffy and cheeks tearstained, his neck covered in painful looking hickeys. It reminded him of taehyung a few days ago.

"I-I.." Jimin trailed off, tears filling his eyes. "I had sex with Hoseok, b-but he was super rough and, and it hurts like a fucking bitch." He cried.

Yoongi sighed, really not feeling like being nice to the person that had ruined his close friend only a few days before.

"What does that have to do with me?" He asked, being as forward as usual.

Jimin sobbed.

"Well, i fought with Jungkook and, and i don't want to admit to Taehyung he was right."

Oh how Yoongi wanted to punch him so bad.

"That's your own fault though." He said, looking down at the bluenette coldly.

"Please hyung, i don't really have anyone right now." Jimin said.

"yeah you do. You have Taehyung, you know you do; that boy is right next door you fucking idiot." He almost yelled.

Jimin felt so attacked, not understanding why people were yelling at him so much lately.

"Why are you yelling at me? What did i do?" Jimin yelled through his tears.

"What did you do? You've been fucking stepping all over Taehyung, don't you see how down he's been the past few days." Yoongi snapped, his Daegu satoori showing just how annoyed he was at the moment.

"But i didn't do an-"

"Yes you did! You asked Taehyung to have sex with him only to be fucked by Hoseok later."

"Why does everyone say it's so bad? Whether Taehyung and I have sex has nothing to do with any of you."

Yoongi suddenly took a few steps towards Jimin, his hands wrapping around the collar of Jimin's loose shirt, noticing all the hickeys that littered his neck.

"Oh but it does. When my close friends comes at my dorm, crying his fucking eyes out and his hands fractured because he hit into a wall in frustration, i have every right to say what i need to say." Yoongi yelled, words dripping with venom. "Taehyung has been madly in love with you for the past seven years. Did you hear that? He's in love with you Jimin. He has been for the past seven. fucking. years. And you dare fucking ask him to have sex with you only to be' prepared' for Hoseok. That meant everything to Taehyung, and you dared fucking moan another dude's name while he was the one pouring all his heart and feelings into every fucking touch and every fucking kiss. Do you realise how much that fucked him up." Yoongi roared, completely out of control as Jimin stared at him wide eyed.

"Taehyung had been suffering so bad ever since you've been gushing over Hoseok. I know because he came to me with tears in his eyes because the love of his life was talking about another dude. Then you play with him, having sex and not even batting an eyelash at all the love he gave you, and fucking moaning Hoseok's name!" He yelled again, really trying to get his point through Jimin's thick skull.

"Taehyung has been super gloomy these past few days, everyone saw it. Everyone told you they did. But you only cared about your own ass and your non existing relationship with Hoseok. Don't you fucking dare come cry to me because your half ass crush man handled you when your best friend has been trying to pick himself up from the biggest heartbreak of his life!" he finally spat, shoving Jimin off him before walking out, slamming the door.


oops :)

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