Starting The Day

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Hanji woke up in her room. They were at Headquarters, and they needed to get a move on with cleaning. She looked at the clock on the wall. It was 8:37 am.

"Oh great," she thought," I'm late by seven minuets, Levi is gonna k-" but she was cut off as the door was kicked open loudly by none other than...



"S-sorry Levi..." She mumbled lazily as she rubbed the sleep from one of her eyes.

He rolled his eyes and walked away as she dazedly grabbed for her glasses. She just put on her simple reading glasses, put on a robe, and went downstairs.

She sniffed. "Mmmm! Something smells good!" She said to herself.

She finally walked into the kitchen, where there was eggs, pancakes, and duck. She knew duck wasn't really a breakfast food, but no one cared because people usually don't get much meat stuck in those walls anymore. She sat down at the table and started to eat. She was enjoying her breakfast until somebody rudely interrupted...

"Wow, nice robe.." Someone said sarcastically to her as they walked by.

"Just because I'm not in uniform doesn't mean you have the permission to be rude!" She thought to herself, but she didn't show what she was thinking.

She sat there while pulling her robe in closer, feeling slightly humiliated. The guy went off and whispered to his friend and pointed and quietly laughed at her. She just sat there, seeing what was happening in the corner of her eye. She wouldn't dare look or say anything. She didn't want to make matters worse. Hanji then remembered she had a little book in her robe pocket about titans, so she pulled that out to distract her from those annoying "kids." She gladly read and read about the titans, even tho she had read the book multiple times.

"Why the heck would she LIKE titans? They just kill everyone and destroy everything." Said the annoying kid who commented on her robe.

"Haha, yeah! What's up with that?" His blonde haired friend agreed.

Another person joined, a short Brunette girl. "What a geek, why waist time learning about those stupid things?" She said.

Hanji sat there while trying to keep in the tears. Levi was across the long, rectangular table, enjoying his food, trying to zone everyone out. He couldn't help but to listen to this, tho. The three kids approached Hanji.

"Hey, enjoying your book?" The First boy asked.

"I-I guess" Hanji said with a tremulous voice.

"It must be boring, let me help." said the blonde boy. He snatched the book from her hands and tossed it into the fireplace with the pot over it.

"Hey!" Hanji yelled very aggravated. That was one of her favorite books.

"Oh no, what are you gonna do without your precious Titan book?" The brunette girl teased.

Levi couldn't take this. He stood up, banging his fists down on the table, "Hey! Stop bugging her!" He exclaimed.

"Or what?" Said the brunette sassily, obviously not knowing Levi's authority. She flipped the plate of food a little bit into the air and eggs, meat, and syrup got all over Hanji. Hanji gasped and screeched a little bit with surprise.

"OUT NOW!" Levi commanded. He drew out one of his swords from his 3D maneuver gear and pointed it at the three kids.

"S-Sorry Captain Levi! It w-won't happen again!" The Blonde mumbled in fear. "Uhhh, yeah! So sorry!" Said the first boy nervously said while shaking his hands out in front of him to get Levi to stop. All three ran out of the room while murmuring to each other.

"Ew... Yuck..." Hanji mumbled as she slowly pulled the food out of her hair.

"Hey, are you ok?" Levi asked Hanji without emotion.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She responded.

"Okay. Well you better get your cleaning clothes on." He ordered.

"Yes sir." and with that she went to her room.

"Dumb brats. They need to learn how to behave." Was all Levi could think as he went to do his cleaning duties.

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