Maybe 🍵

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Maybe you're the bad guy
The one that always screws up the childhood story books
The one that always tears true lovers apart
The one that always tries to steal the spotlight from the main character
The one that must be killed off to make this world a better place

We are all just humans
What we do doesn't make any sense
But we do it for survival
To satisfy whatever need we have
It's not evil
It's not good
It's just.... what must be done

Maybe you're the one tearing this world up
But you just don't know it
You are oblivious to the pain and suffering you cause to others
It's all for your own gain and I don't blame you
I hope you won't blame those you've hurt when they cast you out and mark you as Cain
In their eyes, in their stories, in their perspective,
You are the villian
And sometimes, there is no redemption for you

We are all just humans
What we do doesn't make any sense
But we do it for survival
To satisfy whatever need we have
It's not evil
It's not good
It's just.... what must be done

Maybe you're the wrong one
The thoughts and behaviors you have that you think is normal
Is abnormal to other people
You are sick to other people's eyes
And you're okay with it because you are so used to your disease
But like a leper would, you disgust people away
You don't know why and they're not telling you

What we do doesn't make any sense
But we do it for survival
To satisfy whatever need we have
It's not evil
It's not good
It's just.... what must be done
And sometimes, because of this,
I think it's useless, trying to change anything in my life
It's not God designed neither what I want it to be
But that's the way that things are
And this pain that I feel, is how I should be feeling.


So, there was this quote on Facebook. It goes as: Be teachable; you're not always right. and that kinda...hits me? It's been in my mind for a long time now so I wrote this poem based upon that idea.

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