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"it's not creepy at all." stiles said looking up at the abandoned house.

stiles passed scott a flashlight and the two of them entered the house.

they started to look around but it was basically empty.

"you wanna split up?" scott asked his best friend.

"umm... absolutely not." stiles replied.

they went up the stairs and they started looking around up there.

"maybe alex got the address wrong." scott said.

"or he lied." stiles said.

"why would he lie?" scott asked.

they found a door at the end of the hall and stiles opened it and they all went inside. in the room, was alex's stuff.

"he didn't lie." stiles said.

"why didn't the cops say anything about this?" scott asked.

"they don't know it's here. they can't come in without a warrant and there's no one to serve a warrant to, so. unless their was some threat or danger they wouldn't come in." stiles replied.

"what?" stiles asked after seeing a look on scott's face.

"i think i heard something." scott said before leaving to go downstairs.

stiles began looking at the photos in the room. it was as if he was taking picture with someone who wasn't there.

the blanket on the bed was moving as if their was wind doing it but there was nothing.

scott went downstairs and he saw dishes disappear off the table.

meanwhile, upstairs, stiles walked closer to the bed and he looked under it.

he saw a horses leg but when he looked up, there was nothing there.

scott kept walking until he saw mason and liam making the three of them jump.

"what-what are you doing here?" liam asked him.

"this is alex's house. what are you doing here?" scott asked them.

"this is where the compass lead us." liam explained.

"what compass?" scott asked as mason showed him the one in his hand.

missing - stiles stilinski Where stories live. Discover now