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scott, malia, lydia, marcie, harry and liam were all at the sheriff's station.

the last two remaining members of satomi's pack were being held in jail for murder.

"i'm not letting them out." sheriff stilinski said slamming the file down.

"we've got two bodies covered in slash marks. they confessed to killing two people." noah told the group.

"hunters." scott argued.

"people, scott. self defense or not, they're still here, the other guys are dead. and there's a process i have to follow." noah replied.

"yeah, but you know what's happening around here. it's not safe for them." scott told him.

"this may actually be the safest place for them in beacon hills. at least i can protect them here." sheriff stilinski said.

"do you really think stiles would think that?" marcie asked him causing his eyes to soften.

"especially if one of your deputies is working for gerard?" malia added.

"i'm not buying that. i know these deputies like the back of my hand. i know their families, their kids, their brothers and sisters. i know who they are and i trust them." sheriff stilinski said.

"you know who they were. there's something out there." liam told him.

"that something is causing everyone to be afraid. and it's only gonna get worse." harry said.

"yeah, you can't protect two werewolves from hunters if they're already on the inside." scott told him.

"it's quinn, right?" noah said looking at the girl they found in scott's kitchen.

everyone turned to her and she looked up from her seat and nodded.

"you're sure it was a deputy who shot you? absolutely, 100% sure?" he asked the girl and she nodded in response.


"i saw flashing lights. a police car. i-i saw a badge, a gun, and then they shot me. they shot me in the head. and that's all that i remember." quinn explained.

"there are a couple holes in her story." sheriff stilinski said.

"well, i wonder why." harry said.

"maybe because there's a hole in her head." lydia said making malia let out a laugh.

everyone looked back at malia and the smile on her face dropped.

"i'm sorry." malia said.

"sheriff, we need to get jiang and tierney out of here before anyone realizes that they're here." scott said to him.

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