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lydia was inside the sheriffs house and she was looking around for something, anything to help her prove that stiles was real.

"is there anything i can do to help?" claudia asked.

"no. but thank you, mrs. stilinski." lydia replied.

"well, good luck. i'll leave you to it." claudia said walking out of the room.

lydia went back out to the hall where she saw the old woman last time. she went back to the wall that she was staring at.

she noticed that wall paper looked strange and went to peel it off but she jumped once she saw someone. she saw a boy.

"you didn't see it, did you?" he said.

"see what?" lydia asked.

"it's right in front of your face." he said.

lydia looked back at the wall and she started to peel the wallpaper, but someone grabbed her wrist.

"what are you doing?" claudia asked her.

"you're hurting me." lydia told her and claudia let go of her and tried to put back the wallpaper.

"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have done that." lydia told her.

"i think that's something we can agree on." claudia said as lydia walked out of her house.


they all went over to the school and they were going to get the four people to the bunker.

"what's the plan?" liam asked.

"convince okafur, steinbach, and wallace that playing tonight is a bad idea." scott said.

"you've read everything there is to know on the ghost riders." scott said looking at mason.

"yeah." mason replied.

"and you're the only one of us who's figured anything out. have you come across anything that could stop them?" scott asked him.

"not yet. but i can try." mason said.

"do that." scott told him as they walked away and went into the locker room.

"you're late, mccall!" coach said throwing a helmet at scott.

"why aren't you people dressed? get your asses moving. everyone on the field! hustle! hustle! hustle!" coach finnstock said before walking out of the room.

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