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scott took off his shirt and they started the machine making the temperature drop inside of it.

"okay, it's doing something. you ready?" malia asked scott and everyone looked over at him.

he moved the door of the machine allowing himself to get inside and he closed it and looked at lydia.

"remember, this will get cold enough to kill you. so if something feels wrong or like, it's not working-" lydia began.

"it's going to work." scott said.

"i hope you're not saying that because you think i know what i'm doing." lydia said.

"i'm saying that because i know you can figure it out." scott said as lydia turned the coldness up.

"oh, okay, all right, yeah, that's cold. really cold." scott said.

"so what are we supposed to do? talk to him? help him remember? wait till he turns into a werewolf freezy pop?" malia asked.

"we need to guide him. keep him focused." lydia said.

"scott, you have to think about them. concentrate on stiles and marcie. try to picture them in your head. think about what they look like, things they said." lydia said as scott let out a groan.

"i don't like this. something's wrong." malia said.

"wait. give it a few more seconds." lydia said.

scott banged his hand on the window and he seemed to be in pain.

"i'm getting him out of there." malia said.

"wait!" lydia said placing her hand on malia's.

they noticed that scott was now relaxed and he wasn't groaning or struggling anymore.

"scott... can you hear me? scott. can you hear me?" lydia asked him.

they noticed that scott's eyes were glowing red and they could tell he was remembering something.

scott was in his house. he began walking up the stairs.

"scott, don't fall asleep. you have to keep your eyes open." lydia said when she saw him almost close them.

"trying..." scott said.

"it's not sleep. i think you're losing consciousness. and if you do that, i think we're gonna lose you." lydia said.

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