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"why didn't he answer?" lori asked.

"maybe, maybe, he didn't hear us." liam said.

"maybe he can't." malia said.

"lori, no!" scott shouted once he saw a small wire on the ground.

lori walked into it and a stake went into scott's stomach.

they all helped scott pull it out and liam helped him on the ground.

malia went to apply pressure to scott's wound.

"don't talk, just heal, and let us figure this out." malia told him.

"they've been a step ahead of us the whole time." scott said.

"i'm sorry, but i can't wait around. we have to go." lori said.

"we still have the number, four to two. we're faster, and we're stronger." liam said.

"they're smarter." scott said.

"i don't care who's smarter or faster or whatever, my brothers going to die." lori said.

"something's not right. the arrow, the trip wire, the poison. these aren't amateurs." scott said.

"but they've never fought us before." liam said.

"and you've never fought hunters, liam. we need to stick together." scott said.

"i need to go." lori said.

"no, you're not going alone. i'll go with you." liam said.

"liam, you don't know who they are or what they're capable of." scott told him.

"look, i know who we are. we never give up, especially when it's someone innocent, when it's someone alone, when it's one of our friends." liam said.

"okay, go, go. all of you, i'll catch up." scott told them as liam and lori took off.

"go, malia, go with them. i just need a minute, go." scott said.

"you just need to shut up." malia told him.


"which way? there's gotta be something. did he leave anything for you to find, like, like a signal, or, more rocks?" liam asked her.

missing - stiles stilinski Where stories live. Discover now