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scott and lydia were back in the jeep when they heard a loud growl.

"what the hell?" scott said.

they both hopped out of the jeep and started running to where the growling was coming from.

"did you hear that?" malia asked.

"i think all of beacon hills heard that." lydia said.

"who is it?" scott asked.

"i'm not sure, but i think i recognized it." malia said.

"go!" lydia said.

malia and scott took off into the woods leaving lydia by herself and they all split up.

"hey, any luck?" scott asked when they met back in the middle.

"no. he hasn't roared again. i've got a scent but..." malia trailed off.

"there's something wrong with it." scott said.

"it smells like whoever it is, is burning." malia said as they heard that roar again.

they ran over to where the noise came from and they saw someone on the ground and they were burnt.

"i hear a heartbeat." malia said.

"who is that?" scott asked.

"i don't know, but i know that scent. even through the barbecue." malia said as they walked closer to him.

"how do you think he got here? there's no tracks. there's no fire." scott said.

the person opened his eyes making the two of them jump.

"oh, my god. peter?" malia asked.

"who's peter?" scott asked.

"peter hale. my dad." malia said as he nodded.

"you were my beta first, scott. it was my bite that changed your life. and my bite that can end it." peter said.

"then, end it, peter. because you won't get another chance." scott said.

"peter. he bite me. how could i forget him?" scott asked.

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