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the two of them walked into eichen house and went to meet up with peter.

"why did he want to meet here?" scott asked.

"why did he agree to meet at all?" malia asked.

"curiosity. mostly." they heard peter reply.

"okay. i need your help." scott told him.

"with what? another suicide mission? not interested. or do you need my help?" he asked looking over at his daughter.

"i'm here for moral support." malia told him.

"for them or for me?" peter asked.

"you'd need to have morals." malia said.

"you helped us fight the ghost riders." scott began.

"self preservation." peter corrected.

"but we couldn't have won without you. you're stronger than all of us. you're the real reason the wild hunt-" scott went on but got interrupted.

"stop. a solid effort, you don't need to appeal to my ego. it's quite healthy. you're gonna need to work a lot harder than that if you want my help." peter told him.

"what do you want?" scott asked.

"everything pretty much is the way i want it. my penthouse apartment is filled with mid century furniture. my passport has more stamps than the post office. and did you see the car parked out front? that's a shelby 1000 cobra. there are only 100 in the entire world. i have two. two." peter told them.

"but gerard has an army. and every single one of them want you dead." scott told him.

"and you think that means i'm going to enlist in your little endeavor? because you're going to defeat gerard? you're not going to beat him, scott. and let me show you why." peter said, pulling a lever.

a light came on and they saw a man sitting down on his bed in the cell beside them.

"when i found him, that was pointed at my face." peter said pointing to the gun on the mans bed.

"that is a g36, which fires 750 rounds per minute. and it's empty. for the moment." peter said.

he pulled the amo out of his pocket and put it in the little box for the hunter to grab it and load his gun.

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