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scott, malia and lydia were out in the woods going over to the rift. the same place malia and scott found peter.

"when you were here before, how long until the ghost riders showed up?" scott asked malia.

"a couple minutes." malia replied.

"that's reassuring." lydia said.

"what's a rift supposed to look like?" malia asked.

"if it's a tear in the fabric of our world. theoretically it could look like anything from a microscopic black hole to a free floating einstein rosen bridge." lydia explained.

they came to a stop and they all starting looking around. they all looked up at the same time.

"i really hope it's not up there." lydia said.

"let's split up." scott said.

they all started looking in a different spot until they heard scott.

"hey, look at this." scott said.

they all went over to a pipe that was in the ground and scott bent down to get a closer look.

"the rifts not above us." lydia said.

"its below." scott said.


they all went down the pipe and that lead them to a ladder that went down to some tunnels.

"i can't see a thing." lydia said turning her flashlight on from her phone.

"it's got to be down here somewhere." scott said as they all started walking down the path.

malia tried to go down one of the other paths but she immediately flew back and hit the ground.

"found it!" malia said as they looked at the rift.

"it's remarkably similar." lydia said.

"to what?" malia asked.

"to the einstein rosen bridge." lydia replied.


malia tried picking up a lead pipe to break the rift but it was too strong.

"there's gotta be another way. we just need to think." lydia said.

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